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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Yeah, trapping wolves and yote is definitely nowhere near being financially lucrative (at least in comparison to the past).  The people I know that do it take a few every year to help out the moose and share the pelt with friends and family, and to keep their trap line active.  I think a lot of people have a misconception that there's hordes of people out in the bush chasing after every wolf in sight.  To try and infringe on a sportsman's right to sustainably trap and hunt predator animals simply because you don't like it is seriously off, in my opinion. 

    I'm sure if we cancelled every bass and walleye tournament in Ontario, you would see a notable increase in fishing quality on many popular cottage lakes in a few short years, but I am not about to tell a tournament angler that he/she is wrong in doing so.

  2. The MNRF has politicized the issue by throwing 'Algonquin' in the name and it has since become a poster child for emotional anti-hunting/trapping rhetoric.  Do you believe that trappers take wolves 'simply to kill'?  That's a dangerously slippery slope to walk on as a sportsman.  Do you fish just to hurt fish then release them?

  3. 55 minutes ago, Sterling said:

    Yeah, I see big arches in the upper column in the summer but I don't think this applies through ice. My buddy has a flasher that is either zoomed in or out, no secondary chart. Might not be a big deal.

    The unit I was looking at was a G1. Those don't have CHIRP. The newer units (G2) have CHIRP sonar and CHIRP DI. 

    Be wary of DI - I tried it through ice and was missing arches. That's because DI is a narrow, oval shaped sweep meant to be used on a moving boat. Doh.

    With CHIRP sonar you're golden though. Based on your video it seems like you're capturing everything.

    My unit is the first generation, I just looked...no CHIRP.  Having said that, I've never hooked a fish I didn't mark first.  Incredible detail...I can only imagine the new ones.

  4. 5 hours ago, Sterling said:

    Nice video. Makes me feel like I'm out there.

    The Humminbird helix is great. Is that the CHIRP version? I came pretty close to buying a helix ice just yesterday. Ended up settling for a Hook4 CHIRP.

    Question, how often do you see fish farther up in the column? I'm wondering how many fish are missed by zooming into the bottom column OR using too narrow of a band. 

    As far as I know, every Helix uses CHIRP technology.

    These shoals are full of herring, so we see tons of marks in the upper half of the water column.  I keep a split screen on my unit, one zoomed in on bottom few feet.  Usually won't mark intended quarry up high but somedays you have to work them way up the water column to get a strike.

  5. On 10/02/2018 at 2:20 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    A Nipissing tip icefishing. Be very quiet in the hut or the clam. We would be pulling them in regularly and Big Janko would come storming in with his size 12's and 90 db yap and the catching stopped, immediately for at least an hour, sometimes for the rest of the day.


    If we're marking fish without commitments, sometimes a good rip around in the truck or sled definitely wakes them up.  I just can't believe that a walleye is affected by clumsy footsteps in a hut on top of 31" of ice, 32 feet down LOL

  6. 2 hours ago, gordy28 said:

    That was an awesome video and an incredible fish

    Watched it with my daughter and the first small fish she was not so impressed.  With the last fish she said.  Wow Daddy that’s huge. You’ve never caught a trout like that lol

    Thanks for posting.  


    Okay that made me laugh!!  

  7. 4 hours ago, smitty55 said:

    That's a beauty Speck Joey. Congrats on the PB.

    We always called them switches, and that's all we use when fishing back lakes since the late 70's. They can be super sensitive when thin enough. I always like to be able to see the minnow swimming at the tip. One of my buds used them for everything.


    Yea!  I've heard people call 'em switches, or gads.  

  8. 7 minutes ago, canoecarrier said:

    Gorgeous fish! You are a good man for putting that fish back. She is even looking at the camera for the picture! haha!

    Thank you...a brook trout of that size will likely die of old age in less than a year's time, but I was not interested in mounting it, and they get pretty nasty tasting when they reach that size, so back she went.  Hopefully someone else will be able to catch her before she croaks.

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