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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. These are the types of lakes I need to get out on with the toon. Always seems that the bass draw me. Maybe cuz Im more geared towards them. Going to start working on my small back lake trout gear over the winter.


    Beautiful fish and the report was great dude. Think I have strolled through it about a dozen times now. Start reading and then just stare at the photos. LOL

    There is a beauty in the simplicity of backlake troutin'. I think you'd love toonin' around for some backlake squaretails :)
  2. Great collection Joey! Solid season. Time spent for brookies and other back lake gems is something many should do more often.


    Have a feeling that most of those fish were headed for the pan too. ;)




    Well done.

    Not really. There were certain trips where most fish were kept, and plenty of strictly c & r trips too. Certainly the summer trips were for catch and keep (deep water). Catch a limit and go home :)

  3. Sweet buddy. Looks like you had a good season out there! Beautiful looking lakes and pretty fish.


    I've never made time for back lake brookies, which is crazy. It's creeping high on my list. The allure is really getting to me!

    Im finding less and less time for everything else lol. Every day there's something new to learn, and the reward is hard to beat.


    Rick, they taste better than any candy I'm aware of lol


    Chris, it was definitely interesting trying to figure them out in the summer, something I've never done before. Sometimes you're simply at the mercy of how they feel on that particular.

  4. Well, aside from a few trips to stocked lakes, my trout fishing season is pretty much done. I was organizing my photos on my laptop from my openwater season and I figured I'd share a few of my favourites, since I have a bunch of them from this year...

    Just as a note, I'm very careful with handling them, so any of the fish being handled poorly in the photos were likely fish that were destined for buttery greatness, anyways.

    Spring was late to show up (haven't seen open water in April in a few yrs now), but the trout didn't seem to mind. I had a bunch of great spring trips, with a bunch of people in the boat and really great numbers of both lake and brook trout just about every time we went out!

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    In between the brookies, these guys are absolutely everywhere in the spring around here and tons of fun.

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    Through late spring into mid-summer, I focused more on larger lakes with more of a pelagic zone. The brook trout seem to stay more active in these lakes and are easier to pattern down deep. I had quite a bit of success in 24-30 feet of with keel sinkers and spoons and small hardbaits.

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    I also spent a little bit of time on a local river system known for big fish and got lucky with a few brute creek fish. I'm not an expert on riverfishing brook trout by any means, but I learned a lot this year and was more than happy to land a few nice ones, even a couple on the fly rod.

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    Perhaps my favourite one of the year, definitely my favourite picture of the year.

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    I took a few weeks off from brookies in mid-August, and by September I was starting to get really excited for late-summer/early fall fishing. This can be a frustrating time of year, as fish are tough to pattern and on most lakes and can be seriously lockjawed, but we usually found at least some success just about every trip out. Catching a mature male brook trout in the fall is enough to make anyone an addict.

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    The last fish of the '16 season was this gorgeous buck my dad landed on a brutally slow day (I skunked hard)

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    Thanks for reading. I enjoy putting up these summary reports after I compile a seasons worth of photos!
  5. Good job! I have never seen the need for lead core or the giant reels that come with it. My summer laker set up is the smallest size convector, 30 lb power pro and a light down rigging rod. Keel weights sink way quicker than bottom bouncers and if I use a small gang troll I will achieve all the depth I need with less than 140' of line out. Damn good avg size for an inland lake too.

  6. I guess you never used the "edit" feature that all forums have..........not sure why you quoted yourself was even necessary.

    Why do you care? Lol get over it...welcome to the board man, as you can see some people choose to get sour over literally anything.


    Sterling, I'm not at all familiar with that end of the lake but I do know that they've already began their fall drawdown of the lake and it's came down a fair amount from summer levels. They do this prior to the lake trout spawn now so they dont leave their eggs high and dry like they used to. You may want to call whoever you're renting from and make sure their dock is still usable.

  7. I use the krown in North bay, and they do a fantastic job. By the time they're done, all my doorwells and my engine compartment are freaking spotless and their application is perfect. Conversely, the Rust Check in North Bay did a poor job, took longer, and was more expensive. I think it depends more on your local shop then the franchise, just make sure you get it done.

  8. ...am I the only one that would like to see them divert the millions of dollars spent on the meat-market fishery we have today instead spent on serious habitat restoration and revival of the native species of the area, everything from the dwindling Brook trout populations in the headwaters being taken over by browns and steelie/Atlantic smolts to naturally reproducing lake trout (I won't touch the Atlantic's issue). MNR has the potential to do something special, but I guess the meat wagons have too much at stake.

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