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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Rent a hotel right in North bay and you can fish from sunset point right up to the mouth of duchesnay creek along the 'perch flats'. Run and gun till you find fish, 90% of the water is 16-17 ft or under. Use the hut clusters as general starting points and you will do well.

  2. Sunset Cove offers day huts in the shallow flats on the east end of the lake, very productive for jumbos and even walleye early in the winter


    But some of the absolute best perch fishing in the lake is in the 'deep' holes offshore. The waltonian offers day huts in very productive perch fishing grounds.

  3. People like controversy :ninja:


    In my opinion, if you have to justify legally harvesting non-trophy fish (on a fishing forum no less) based on nothing more than a picture, then there's something wrong with this picture.


    I'm just jealous that he has a freezer full of pike and I don't :canadian:

  4. Awesome fish! Could that first pic be of a splake? I'm not very good with my fish ID and have never caught a splake before but just curious......

    Ive had a couple people bring it up, it does look splakey because of the spawning colours, but it is a laker! Thx


    im predicting the 17th as the first saturday...next weekend i think is just a bit too soon. Long range looks great though, 1 week of cold to get the ice going and another to solidify it and it will be ready for a stroll.

    PAB maybe, Id be very surprised if the backlakes around here arent walkable in a week.

  6. This is very true. Specially this year. Things have been funky to say the least.


    I'm just going to stay as optimistic as possible! And maybe I'll get lucky and Joey will invite me out for an early season back lake trout hunt.. I have a quad now eh Joey.. :whistling:

    That sounds great Nick! We're above zero and pouring rain here too, I'm thinking the weekend of the 9th-10th until I can get on the lakes I wanna get on the most.

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