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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Decided to give hard water whitefishing a try for the first time. After a fresh dumping of snow, and day-old tracks filled in with drifting snow, the long walk out was excruciating. We fished anywhere between 58-67 feet of water for at least 3 hours, marking the occasional fish but not even getting a touch. We decided to head in, but decided to try some perch fishing for the last 45 minutes or so before heading. We set up in 36 ft water and landed 2 right off the bat. It was slow, but in 45 minutes we had 7 keepers, plus a handful more smaller ones. The whitefish was disappointing, but at least the perch cooperated to salvage the day (somewhat). I think I'll stick to perch on Simcoe unless I can arrange a ride out to deeper water.


    I snapped a photo of the huts on the way back in:



    Here's the perch before the butcher has his way with them:


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