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About JGirard

  • Birthday 09/17/1983

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  1. I am helping the MNR with a diary report of all whitefish,lake trout caught on simcoe,so we measure them and mark which fins are clipped and this year I have noticed a huge increase in Natural and lake trout,this is real good to see.I love seeing those naturals make it up the hole then back down!!
  2. Had a great weekend on Simcoe again.Got out both days and got plenty of fish.Picked thrue the schools and got some great eaters.The shore was a liitle rough but once you past that it was smooth sailing right to our honey hole.Nobody was around us so it was nice and quiet.We had a couple of double headers which is always a riot!!Anyways time to put the ice gear away and get ready for open water!! Cheers!Time for the sportsman show,see you there!!
  3. I used an old box liner from a pick up truck,cut it into strips then rivot it on the back with silicone on the rivots to keep the water out.I have some left over if you want it,its a little bit of work to do it but i think in a hour you would be all set.I'm in keswick if you are interested.
  4. They have to get rid of their left over defective cars some how!!Does it come with a trailer hitch!!!hahaha
  5. Headed out on Simcoe again,been a really good year for me.Just thought I would post these two beauty's to make some people drool over the amazing fishing we have on Simcoe.Only 3 weeks left till closer,get out there!!Sorry about the string in the pic!!!
  6. Perfect,thanks guys,much appreciated,looking forward to hard water fishing!
  7. Any info on scugog would be appreciated,just wuld like to know if its safe yet for some ice fishing.Thanks!
  8. There was an article in Out of doors magazine on the blue walleye.I'll try to dig it up and see which issue it was.You might be able to go to the Out of doors site and search it.I will look for it and let you know if I find it.Hope this helps a little!
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