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Posts posted by adempsey

  1. I like my handheld GPS (Etrex Legend HCx), I've added a bunch of contour maps to it and the batteries (2AA) last a LONG time. I'd probably get another Garmin handheld. I am not up to date on what the current models are, but probably a color model that takes AA batteries and has the maps I need.


    I have an HTC One and it's a good phone. I have used the Navionics Boating app with it and it worked fine. However, it's hard to read the screen and the battery doesn't last as long, especially when the GPS is on.


    So, for me, I prefer the separate GPS and phone.


    However, the thing is, everyone has a phone. The Navionics app is very cheap. Try that route and see how it works for you. Personally, it wasn't for me with my current phone. I'd check out some IP67 phones (waterproof/dust proof) if you're planning the phone only route.


    Of course now you can even get this wireless sonar that hooks up to your phone/tablet!

  2. I can suggest one thing with respect to quitting smoking. A big part of it is your behaviours. Try changing things up and breaking your smoking routine. For example, you might smoke as soon as you wake up or with your coffee. Don't do that and wait an hour or so afterwards. Little things like that can make a huge difference when your trying to quit. Ultimately you slowly ween yourself down and hopefully stop completely. So, at first you're not really quitting so it's easy to do. It's a good start and should help.

  3. Nobody knows the health effects of the e-cigarettes. The UN health agency just put out a worldwide recommendation today urging governments to regulate their use until health studies are done. Although it might seem a bit of an overreaction, I think it's a serious enough issue that it needs to be done. However, If it were me and I was having difficulty quitting smoking, I'd try it. It's not likely to be worse for your health than cigarettes, and the worst case is, you'll probably save money and stop smelling like smoke.


    The biggest issue is the children. E-cigs are getting very popular with teenagers. Nicotine is highly addictive. Even if there are no health consequences, which I doubt, I wouldn't want my children addicted to anything.


    I can also guarantee the next thing will be THC + nicotine liquids for e-cigs (if they don't already exist). That will be a nightmare.


    I find it somewhat humorous there are all these people are up in arms about GMO food, but e-cigs have far more potential to be dangerous.


    Brendan never gets tired of fishing. If he looks fed up it's probably because he was ticked that I was reeling in fish LOL!


    These short trip are my favourites, I've done a ton of them. Any longer on a smaller lake like that and I get bored. By the end of four days of fishing non stop I've had enough too. You can get a deal if there's an open slot between two groups, but it's a non issue for me. I'd be happy to pay full pop for a shorter trip assuming the fishing was good.


    I never drive through the night, I won't do it. I always drive up the day before.


    Oh, I just meant that his facial expression looked like "Dad, come on and stop taking all those damn videos and photos so I can fish!".


    As for the cost, well, I wish I had more money than time....but, alas I do not, lol.


    I also drive up the day before. My driving is bad enough without having to manoeuvre around moose and bears at night! It costs an extra day, so I know many people drive through the night.

  5. The portables are convenient, but you can make any unit portable. I'd check for some used models and mod a box to make it portable. Of course, if you get a big power hungry hog of a sonar it won't make a great portable unit unless you carry around plenty of spare batteries.

  6. Excellent compilation of video and photos! Much appreciated, I know it must be a pain taking all those photos and videos while you're on a fishing trip. Your son was looking a bit fed up, lol! I am so lazy I rarely even bring a camera into the boat.


    The idea of a four day trip is great, but often the listed rates are not far off from a 7 day trip. I assume if you're flexible on when and where you go, you might get a reasonable deal. I figured 65% of the full week rate is reasonable in that situation.


    On your four day trips, do you just drive all night to reach the air base in the morning?

  7. Excellent article! This should be a "must save" for anyone doing fly ins or in fact anyone out for a few days or more whether it's a fly in or not. Also, thank you for the acknowledgement at the end. Much appreciated.


    Thanks! Much of my information comes from the various fishing forums such as this one. They have been a great help to me on many levels.


    By the time you finish reading "this article" you will have missed the plane!


    Lol. No doubt. What can I say? I like to make things as comprehensive as I can.

  8. I wrote this article for my website because I also never seen a comprehensive list of things to bring on a fly-in outpost trip. It might have some useful tips for you. I try to keep updating it as I come across new ideas and suggestions.


    Some of the things listed may not make sense or even seem unnecessary. However, once you're at camp and can't find the BBQ spatula or your can opener is a total piece of junk, you'll be shaking your head wishing you'd brought them!


    Have a good trip!

  9. Don't buy anything until you test it out first. It might not be what you're looking for. Almost every electronic device has Netflix on it these days. You can simply try it from your computer first.


    Why spend $100+ and find out Netflix doesn't cut it for you?


    Also, you can get free movies etc.. using the aforementioned methods, but it should be made clear that doing so is not legal for the most part.

  10. The French River is quite a scenic place once you get inside the park. There are a bunch of lodges throughout the river. The Wolesley area is a bit busier since there are three or four lodges close together. I'd probably do a boat in if you can manage it.


    I have always been intrigued by Limberlost Forest & Wildlife Reserve. Haven't been, but really want to spends some time there for the trout fishing.


    There are plenty of places for the family trip. I think one of the lodges on Nipissing West should be good. Maybe even on Lake Nosbonsing. I went ice fishing on Nosbonsing earlier this year and stayed at Cozy Camp cottages. There are two other camps down the road and a fourth one across the lake. The fishing for us was horrible, but that was ice fishing and it's almost always horrible for us everywhere we go, lol. I believe there is a nice weedy section at the SW end of the lake thats good for pike fishing.


    There are many decent places in the Kawarthas as well. Check out some near Burleigh Falls. Kids will love jumping into the falls. Check out the lodges on Lovesick Lake, Stoney Lake and Upper Stoney Lake. They are close to Petroglyphs PP as well.


    I've also stayed in Pointe au Baril at Pleasant Cove Resort on Georgian Bay (10,000 islands). It's quite nice, but the lake can be REALLY busy - not to mention insane to navigate. If you're going in late August though, it might be worth checking out. Pike fishing should be decent. There's also Kenlea Cottages nearby, but I've never stayed there.


    I'd also look into the Spanish River and I hear good things about Restoule Lake/PP as well. I bet there are a lot of gems in the Land'O'Lakes region too.


    Ontario is awesome.

  11. I was considering doing the Netflix switch myself. However, I would definitely upgrade my internet bandwidth to unlimited. More for peace of mind than anything. I am with Teksavvy as well, and going from 300G to Unlimited is an additional $20/month for me. So, I'd still save $40+ by cancelling my satellite TV after subscribing to Netflix and upgrading my internet connection.


    However, I'd recommend testing it out first. I am sure they still have those 30 day trials. I say this because when it first came to Canada I went with a 30 day trial. I don't know why, but the quality was just horrible. It was worse than watching a VHS video tape. Maybe it was just my settings, I don't know. I just assumed Rogers was throttling me and Netflix set me at the lowest quality because of it. What I've seen at other peoples homes is far superior though. HD quality.


    Couple of points with Netflix though.


    When you subscribe, you get something like five accounts. So, I've had multiple people offer me free accounts.


    What you get on Netflix in Canada differs than what is in the UK and USA. However, there are ways to get all three if you are inclined to do so.


    It might be worth checking out Apple TV and the Roku media devices as well. You don't need them since almost every device has Netflix on it these days. However, they offer other streaming services that make switching from cable/satellite much more appealing. However, some of it is not for the non-techy since it's still early days and can be buggy.

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