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Posts posted by adempsey

  1. Where is the RCA cable on the back of the TV going? What is the box under the cable box?


    From what I can tell you need to take the audio OUT from the TV and put that into your receiver. The audio should go through the HDMI cables to the TV and then out from the TV to your receiver. You shouldn't need the audio OUT from the cable to the receiver after that.


    You have two options for that. On the TV, the RCA out that has the cable in it (I assume it's an OUT??) or the Digital Audio Out next to the service port. For the digital audio out you can buy a cable that ends in two RCA jacks.

  2. I think they have limited application. If the water has poor visibility, you are obviously limited on what you can see.


    Marcum probably has the best reputation. I think the Aqua Vu Micro is pretty neat, but no clue how good it is.


    I really thought about getting one and decided it's not worth it for where I fish. If you fish primarily clear water, it might be more useful.\


    I suggest scouring Youtube for some real videos and not those promoted by the manufacturers.

  3. I like it, but I am a guy that loves looking at maps. Even without a location/GPS function I would have purchased the app. I never use it over my handheld GPS though. My phone is heavy, not very useful in the sun and the GPS drains the battery too fast.


    Also, I had to purchase the app twice for the same phone. When they updated Android (?I think?) a while back it borked my version so I had to pay for the new version of Navionics. Although, I admit I, never contacted Navionics about this issue since the app is relatively inexpensive. Still, not very nice!

  4. Cheap ones are just fine from my experience. I ordered 5 6' cables from Amazon for $10 total a couple years ago based on internet forum recommendations. The dollar store ones are probably OK, just buy a couple in case of premature failure. They are probably all made in China anyway, no matter where you buy them from.

  5. Mike, thanks for putting that together, great report as usually. You covered all bases from flight in, accommodations and of course the important part, the fishing, body of water and how you attack a new body of water, all great stuff for the rest of us who may in fact add that camp to our wish list.


    Speaking of Watson's, does anybody know if they purchased Everson's camp on Kaby? I know Rich Everson has been trying to sell it for years.




    As far as I can tell they purchased the Everson Camp. It's now called Watson's Windy Point Lodge. At least, I assume it was a member of the same Watson family that bought it.

  6. Once again thanks guys, it's always nice to read positive comments!




    Gotcha. I can tell you Jim Watson is pretty proud of his aircraft and rightfully so. It might be the nicest float plane I've ever flown in. ONLY plane that "might" be nicer is Mattice Lake's otter that we flew in last September. The entire plane was refurbished inside and out last year.


    Watson's has a Cessna Caravan as well so there shouldn't be any issues with scheduling.


    Oh yes, that's right! I looked up Watson's Skyways after I read your report too, lol. I was recalling Cessna, but not a Cessna Caravan. I always think of the small 4 seaters for some reason.


    So, with the grand success of last years contest, is there going to be another held this year :) ??

  7. I never saw it before this year, was it rough? It's a pretty sweet plane, the inside is nice too. Best part for me is Watson's will be doing all the flying for them now which is great! It's very convenient flying out of Wawa, they only have an Otter so no weight issues anymore, and the best part is no more Hawk Air! (I'm not a fan of Hawk Air. :) )



    I have no idea, I've never seen their planes in RL. I just thought the plane looked good is all :) Although, I've always wanted to go to Pine Portage. I'd imagine flying out of Wawa Lake is really convenient. Having only one Otter might be interesting though. They have three lodges on Kaby and charter for a few others. Are the Park's trips mostly Friday to Friday?

  8. I don't understand. What does Overdrive have to do with a Gmail account? I know the Kobo web browser is somewhat new and probably buggy as heck. I haven't really used it though. It's probably something silly like Cap Locks anyway.


    If you're trying to access Google Play to get the Overdrive app, you don't need to. Download the app from app.overdrive.com instead as per the instructions here: http://help.overdrive.com/customer/portal/articles/1481528 and




    Trying to sync anything is a real pain, especially if you're using different operating systems.

  9. I made Spinach and Tangerine Soup a while back and my wife really enjoyed it. Doesn't really sound like it would be too good though, lol.


    Spinach and Tangerine Soup

    1.5 l chicken stock
    75 g yellow split peas
    25 g unsalted butter
    100 g spring onions, chopped
    1 tsp ground turmeric
    225 g fresh spinach, finely chopped
    40 g parsley, chopped
    50 g coriander, chopped
    Grated zest of 2 tangerines
    Juice of 3 tangerines
    20 g ground rice or rice flour
    150 ml cold water
    225 g natural yoghurt

    Cooking Instructions:
    Soak the split peas over night. The following day add the chicken stock to a pan and bring to a boil. Drain the split peas and add to the pan. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pan and add the spring onions. Fry gently for 5 minutes before adding the turmeric. Fry for 1 minutes then add the cold water and ground rice and stir in. Transfer the contents of the pan to the stock pot then add the coriander, spinach, parsley and tangerine zest and juice to the pan, cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionaly. Ladle the soup into dishes, garnish with a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkle fresh corinader over the top. Serve immediately.


    Another thing is fish jerky. There is a sweet tasting fish called Filefish that is popular in Korea. It stinks really bad,. but has a natural sweet taste to it. Probably not for everyone, especially if you smell it first! Even I didn't try it for a long time.

  10. I have Shaw Direct. I had great customer service. Of course, I've never really talked to them after I got it installed. The price has gone up every year (at least) though, but that's par for the course.


    I had friends that switched to Shaw, had problems and poor customer service, and switched back to Rogers.


    I am slowly migrating away from cable/dish and over to online sites like Netflix. I just need to find a device with a good user interface. The software on my devices is absolutely terrible - TV, Blu-Ray, game console - all BAD and not user friendly. I have yet to try a Roku or Apple TV though. Maybe at some point. I was also thinking about just hooking one of my computers up to the TV instead. The web browser has been the best way to view Netflix/Hulu etc.. so far. I still need to work out how to get Hulu+ though. Being able to watch the most recent shows [without downloading them] would make me switch immediately.

  11. I love food. Period.


    My wife is Korean and her parents are fish mongers, so I've been pretty spoiled. They carry some of the freshest, highest grade fish I've ever had. The slabs of raw salmon and tuna I've eaten are shameful, lol. Of course, one time I had way too much Orange Roughy and it didn't turn out so well (read up on Escolar.....ugh).


    As for other foods, I like Indian, Moroccan, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Northern and Southern Chinese, Japanese, Caribbean, German, Italian, French, Middle Eastern, Latin....all of it really :) Although, I didn't like Hakka. I thought I would, I mean Indian & Chinese, yes please! Turned out to be no thanks!


    I actually started a little project at home where we would pick a flag from a jar once a week and I would cook a meal from that country. It turned out to be a lot of work. I got busy and haven't done it in a while, but plan on starting up again. It's been interesting trying to cook food as traditionally as possible. My most interesting dish was Croatian Burek. That was "fun" to make.


  12. The differences between the brands is more a personal preference. You need to check them out for yourself. Biggest decision will be deciding between a graph vs. flasher. Nowadays, I don't see much advantage to a flasher. I have a Marcum Lx-5 and really like it a lot, but when the time comes, my next unit will be a graph [or more like a combo, since many have a flasher mode]. I think they are just more practical.


    Radioworld used to have a bunch on display. I haven't been there for a while, since I moved away from Toronto. Might be worth a visit if you're ever up that way.


    edit: sorry, I missed your last post. Anyway, now I want an LX-7. That thing is sweet!!!

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