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Posts posted by adempsey

  1. Great write-up! Your photo's and videos are outstanding as usual.


    It's too bad about the situation True North is in, I was wondering why he was slowly removing outposts from his website. I was hopeful he was just slowly upgrading them (and not painting them all pink!), but I guess not. That Partridge outpost is definitely a special place.


    I hadn't realized your wife had become an NP. That's pretty great and a nice accomplishment. They are so needed up in that neck of the woods. I hope you're next ;P


    Thanks for putting that together!

  2. They're basically the same material made by two different companies. I'd suspect there is as much difference between two brands of line made with Spectra as there are between a line made with Spectra and another with Dyneema. I think in this case it's better to compare specific lines than what they are composed of.

  3. This might help you a bit. Not sure if there are stores listed, but manufacturers are and they often have online stores and lists of resellers.




    Here is the list of resellers from XZone Lures site:




    Plenty of websites listed there.


    There's always LeBaron and Sail as well.

  4. if you're a heavy moviephile/tv elitist and the tv goes in a dark room, get a plasma


    if you want an excellent all-round tv that you can watch in a brightly lit room get an led


    lcd backlighting is old technology now.


    led tvs are least power hungry, plasmas most if that matters to you


    picture quality plasma generally win but the difference is not very big.




    Couldn't have said it better myself.


    One key thing to consider is the software behind the TV. I personally hate the Samsung software (I have a Blu-Ray and a Plasma TV) and wouldn't buy another because I just can't stand it. Of course, the others might not be much better.


    f you can find a TV you like at Costco, it's a great place to buy it since they have a 90 day return and a two year warranty, IIRC.

  5. There are many websites that have listings and reviews. For example, here is one site for private cottages. They have a review section for each listing.


    Problem is, most people don't post reviews and many of the sites are dated or not very well put together. However, I think the biggest issue is that most people don't know about them so they are not popular. They require active users to be successful and that's a big challenge.


    I've been working on a Fly-In Fishing Outpost directory myself just for that reason.

  6. Thanks Chris. That website isn't even his actual website, it some odd archived site. I think it's from back in the Geocities days, lol.


    I only know of the one group that's been going since 2009. I linked his blog and report up in my original post.

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