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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. okay let me clear this up.....it was wrong of me to say that specifically americans get excited over 34 inch fish.....i was speaking in general about some of my customers from this summer...some who had never fished before or SEEN a pike for that matter, to them a 34 inch fish would make their trip....and that's why i loved my job was putting smiles on these guys faces....whether they be canadian, american or guadeloupian lol it don't matter to me, i said americans because that is the majority of guests we get at Halley's, i think we had 2 groups from Canada ALL SUMMER, the rest americans........Tennesseeguy......i can put you on fish.....let me prove it to you......booking the trip is the first step....




  2. if i learned one thing this summer was that these americans were happy landing a pike whether it be 30 inches or 40+.....that was the great thing about my job this past summer.....when you get a guy in your boat that has never caught a jack b4 and he hooks into a 34 incher and brings it boatside....LMAO had to been there....that guy FREAKED.....when i put it in the net he was so happy!!! the smile on his face made it all worthwile to me....and the tip.....lol either way you'll break the 38 mark sooon enough cliff!!




  3. Just interested....tryin to make a fun post....


    Here's mine....


    Northern Pike- 39 inches...caught on the English River from Halley's Camps


    Walleye= 28 inches....caught on the English River from Halley's Camps


    SM Bass- 21 inches....caught on Lake Erie...LPB


    Steelhead- never got a measurement....my guess is around 14-15 lbs




    anyways.....can't wait to see more pics....and more measurements!!!




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