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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. Okay, I am just having a heck of a time fishing the rivers for steelhead this year. Last year I landed well over 200 fish, this year I have caught a lake trout and 3 rainbows bout 1.5-2 lbs, nothin bigger......why does my float never go down this year? I've used salmon roe, rainbow skein, pink worms, natural worms, single eggs, and those little tube thingies. I've downsized my floats, my hooks, sinkers. Adjust my depth, bought new lead line, new swivels...and I still can't hook into a decent bow. WHY WON"T MY FLOAT GO DOWN???? Is there anything at all that I am doing wrong, or missing????? I am just getting sick of my float NEVER GOING UNDER THE WATER!!!!! lol PLEASE HELP.....anyone?





  2. well said kemper......that guy sounded like a dum@$$ not like anyone who should be running a country lol.....but then again george w. bush ran a country for 8 years





  3. GORGEOUS.....jus GORGEOUS.....stellar day on the river!! were those lake superior tribs? lemme know, you don't have to tell me which river tho....i jus wanna maybe stop at a couple superior tribs on my way north this coming may....once again GREAT DAY out there!




  4. If anyone takes part in the shotgun hunt in 90B which is in the Simcoe Area, i am looking for people to hunt with.....the normal people i go with made a mistake and never sent in their tags to be drawn so i am the only one with a tag. So basically jus seein if anyone takes part in this hunt and if so we could possibly discuss hunting together for the week.....anyways any replies will be GREATLY appreciated or if anyone has any ideas as to where i might be able to find some people who are looking for someone to hunt with anyways thanks alot,




  5. tell me.....if sidney crosby were to run his mouth to sum1 and they were to lay him out the other guy would be the bad guy cuz everyone LOVES crosby....but when Avery runs his mouth like usual and a guy takes a run at him and Ave sidesteps him or blows him off and gets the guy so worked up he ends up in the box....but yet Avery is still the dink....???? Avery is a smart hockey player and knows exactly what he is doing on and off the ice.....he is there to drive guys like Sidney Crosby so nuts that he takes a retaliation penalty......to me that is good strategizing hockey.....you score on the power play....cry me a river about Avery i don't care who you are.....effective player no matter what team he is on...



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