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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. as disrespectful as his comment was i couldn't help but laugh.......im not sure he needed to be suspended i think he should have been fined...it was just words...would love to see him traded in the near future....im not sure it's working out in Dallas for him.....wouldn't be surprised if he were to end up in Philly....any1 else??



  2. most of the lakes that we offer as fly in day trips, George has stocked years ago, im not sure about Irregular but I know there used to be alot of muskies in Umfreville Lake and then it flooded and is now part of what we know as the English River, actually Chase has some memory of stocking a lake with his grandfather at a young age......there still is the odd musky kickin around the English River, there was 2 of them caught this year from our lodge and both released....so hopefully they continue to breed and it will be a good musky fishery within the next few years.




  3. whats so funny bout that? it's proven...SMALLMOUTH EAT LEECHES.....it was and still is my favourite thing to use for smallies....i think your jus running out of insults GCD.....grow up dude how old are you anyways? callin a deceased person foolish on a site that he was a member of.....nice guy.....show some respect




  4. im not a promoter....they jus said they need more guests for this coming year so if i knew ppl to suggest it to them......well i figured i would talk about it a bit online and hopefully maybe get sum1 interested....im not making any money off of it.....and live leeches work rich.....thats how i put my numbers up on the bass lake the one day.....chase used lures all day spinners, topwaters, rapalas, twister tails didn't matter what he threw jus could not pick em up....and i found a big reef and drifted a leech over it and BAM and jus kept doing it....i like to figure out a pattern that they will hit on for the day....it's not always a lure bite....but i do use lures if that is what they want lol


    anyways, sorry for promoting, jus tryin to give ideas to those who may or may not be interested....



  5. oh i almost forgot...Rizzo...would love to have ya up there....always lookin for new and exciting customers....whether it be this year or 5 years down the road.....the Halley's would love to make your fishing trip the best they possibly can! But that goes for anyone.....



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