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Posts posted by TroutnMuskieHunter

  1. Dang it Glen :wallbash: ...ya had to show us that nice soft water and boat eh? :wallbash: ......well, all I can say is that it's not 60*F nor do we have 5 - 10mph winds here this morning...what WE DO HAVE is -18*C windchill (-0.4*F) and 44 - 67km/h winds (27 - 41mph) :canadian::w00t:


    Here's what I get to look at today while sitting by the warm fire dreaming about soft water season :Gonefishing: .....


    Oh, and by the way, thanks for the report and some nice looking fish pics :thumbsup_anim:





  2. we are waitting for you to show us how to catch the BEASTS troutnmuskyhunter!!! :thumbsup_anim:


    word on the street is that our minnows were to small! :wallbash:


    24/7....don't worry mon chum...I have some secret weapons in the deep freeze that will entice the BEASTS which i will share with you and the other 2 amigos.....when are we going to "paradise lake"?????

  3. Update.... Well guys, got skunked and soaking wet yesterday afternoon with all that rain :wallbash: Lasted about an hour and had to get back home LOL Just wasn't meant to be :(


    Today could not get out cause the rain had floaded the bay and now with the hurrican winds, just did not see myself going fishing in those condition :w00t:


    Was 10C this morning and now dropped to 4C and dropping.... just might be able to head out in the new year B) Will just have to wait and see.


    Thanks for the kind replies and want to wish you guys a Happy New Year

    Jacques aka Leechman


    if we don't talk before hand...Happy New Year to you to Jacques....We'll see you guys next weekend on our trout adventure :thumbsup_anim: ...not sure which lake we're going to target yet...toss up between Splake and Specks...maybe Rainbows to :canadian::Gonefishing:

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