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Everything posted by Vtucciarone

  1. Vtucciarone


    Just a test
  2. BY GEEZ!!!!!! Where's the Purity hard bread to soak up some of that liquor.
  3. I also work in the construction industry (painter) alot of what i see is production not quality. These builders want things built so fast that corners are cut and cheaper materials used.It is sad because the home owners get stuck with a lemon.We need more guys like Mark Holmes to bring attention to what is going on in this industry.
  4. Imagine we were all billionairs. Who would do all the work? (Politicians) NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. May the Dear Lord watch over your little girl and bring her home to you and your wife. God bless and stay strong
  6. Just want to wish everyone a Merry Fishmas all the best to you and your family's .Be safe and god bless
  7. My Pops use to tell me " every day you get too put your two feet on the ground is a good day" god bless him and everyone else that is going through some tough times. Merry Christmas and Happy holiday to you all
  8. misfish! If they can pay a man to kick a ball or swing a bat millions of dollars. Than to pay me $25 an hour to paint walls I think it is fair. We all choose are own path in life so take what comes.
  9. I agree no more buy outs, but as for blaming unions. If a organization union or other, came into your place of work and allowed you to make a better wage and give a better life for you and your family who wouldn't want it.
  10. Like the song say's " To save paradise put up a parking lot"
  11. There is a smaller lake Just east of Nippising called Lake Nosbonsing. I've never fished it in winter, but have caught eye,s in the summer
  12. My son got this CSI kit for his birthday, inside was a hand held blacklight runs on two AA,s.This thing is amazing! charges my cleo's better than any flash.My son said I can use it but only if I take him fishing.
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