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Everything posted by Parisite

  1. Done. I hope the results for question # 10 are thrown out if the most desired response is "specific locations"...just my opinion.
  2. I don't own a float rod so I do what I can with my spinning gear. If they aren't going for pink bubblegum worms or the real thing I often switch it up to spinners. There's nothing like thinking you've snagged a rock only to find out your spinner just got hit hard by a hungry steelhead.
  3. Fantastic
  4. I used to live in Manitouwadge! I haven't been back in a while but it is a nice little town. You can probably find a good used sled there with more power than the 250 for less $$$.
  5. I came across this article on the front page of the Oakville paper. www.insidehalton.com/community/oakvillebeaver/article/1227963 Interesting note from "Jill1" in the comment section at the bottom of the page. It may be a little late to find the culprits (rapists in my opinion) this year but hopefully they will be focused on the area again next fall.
  6. Hahah! Tell us how you really feel Solo! If you're handing out invitations I would love to see how it's done.
  7. Thanks for the input guys. Just pulled the trigger on the Korker Chromes with the BOA system. They were the most comfortable boots I tried on. I ended up going 2 sizes up because when I tried the boots on with my waders and some thick socks, 1 size up was too small. I can't wait to get them wet!
  8. Did you get the chrome or metal head boots?
  9. I was trying on wading boots today. With some brands I needed to go a size bigger than my shoe size and other brands fit the same as my shoe size. I would recommend trying some boots on prior to ordering online.
  10. Thanks guys. BillM - the G4's are a little out of my price range. Didn't try them on today. Tried a couple of Simms boots on and didn't find them as comfortable as the Korker Chrome with the BOA laces. I've always used boot foot, one piece waders and I want to make the switch to separate boots and waders. At $240 for the Korkers boots alone, I am hoping to get a few more opinions. Apparently they are available for Snowboard and ski boots as well as rock climbing shoes and skates. Anyone else have experience with the BOA laces?
  11. Thanks registerfly. I'm hoping Solopaddler will chime in sometime.
  12. Anyone using boots with the Boa lacing system? What is your opinion?
  13. Hi all, I'm in Thunder Bay on business and have some time to kill this afternoon/evening. Anyone interested in fishing? I have wheels and will buy the coffee.
  14. Thanks cuzza. I'll try a few of those tomorrow morning. Not sure if I have them in 16 but we'll see how it works out.
  15. Thanks guys. It happened during dead drifts, stripping and finger winding. I should've kept trying different patterns until I found the right one. cuzza - Yes, we are talking trout.
  16. Was out casting flies this morning with only a little success. I was using mostly subsurface flies (pheasant tail, hare's ear, wooly worm, etc.) It seemed like I had found the right patterns but I noticed the fish were darting towards the fly as if they were going to take it and just before their nose was at the fly they would turn away. It looked almost like they were swatting it with their tails as they turned. After two or three fish turned on it the action in that pool would stop. The water was clearer than normal. I usually don't see this - usually see a flash of silver or gold, feel the take and set the hook. Anyone seeing the same thing?
  17. Grindstone Angling is in Waterdown on Mill St. I picked up a 9' 5 wt 'Act 4' model manufactured by Guideline from Grindstone and have been very happy with it. Some people on the board have issues with the way they were treated by staff members at fly shops...I've been fly fishing for about five years and still get intimidated when I go into some shops because of the elitest, know-it-all attitude of the staff. I haven't had any problems at Grindstone. I haven't been there for a while but there was/is a younger guy named Tom there who was always pretty helpful. You might even run into Bill Spicer from the fly fishing show on WFN. Good luck!
  18. The same thing happened to me at Lake Ramsey in Sudbury. The gull came right down and took a top water lure. He got hooked pretty badly - the front treble in his face and the the rear treble under his wing. I flew him like a kite for a few minutes before reeling him in. I put my sweater over him to calm him down, cut the line, unhooked his face and while I was trying to unhook his wing he managed to fly away with the lure still stuck under his wing. Silly bird. That was my favorite top water lure.
  19. Thanks for all of the input! I visited my local cell store and got my hands on both models. The cool factor got me...I'm going iPhone 4.
  20. Hi all, I currently use the LG Optimus Quantum with Windows Phone 7 and I love it. Unfortunately I have to give it up. I am changing employers and it belongs to my current employer. My new employer is giving me the option of the BB Torch or the iPhone 4. I visited the cell store tonight, played with both and couldn't really make a decision. I found the keypads on both a little tricky (Big thumbs, small keys) and I'm used to the slide out keypad on the Windows Phone. The primary use will be for business. Seamlessly syncing email, contacts, calendar and tasks is very important. Texting is high on the usage list as well. Taking pictures of shimmering silver rainbows and buttery browns will be required as well. (I can't wait for the last Saturday in April) Do you currently have one of these models? Any feedback or advice??? Thanks.
  21. I'm working in Ottawa for a couple of days and I've heard the Smallie fishing is pretty good in the Ottawa River. Driving along some areas near the river it looks like boating is the best way to fish. I packed my waders and was hoping to wade for a couple of hours. Does anyone know of any access points to walk in? Thanks.
  22. Caught a seagull at Ramsey Lake in Sudbury. I was using a top water lure. The seagull spotted it and dive bombed it. He realized his mistake and tried to fly away but he was hooked. I flew him like a kite for a few minutes while trying to figure out how I was going to get my best top water lure back. I reeled him in and covered him with a sweater while I tried removing the hooks (Treble on each end). I would get one end free and the other one would hook him. As I cut the line to make things easier he squirmed and pecked his way out of my grasp and took off with the lure.
  23. Bump...Thanks
  24. Hi all, Anyone in Sault Ste. Marie interested in getting out tomorrow afternoon/evening? I'll be in town on business and I'm looking to try some local waters. I packed my fly rod and my spinning rod so either will work for me. I'll buy the coffees and can provide the ride.
  25. Hi All, I'm enjoying all of the posts about Steelhead adventures as well as seeing all of the pics but I haven't seen too many Brown Trout posts. Has anyone been catching Browns? It is my understanding that Brown Trout typically run upstream in the fall after the Salmon are gone and around the same time the Steelhead are in. Based on the recent pics it looks like the Steelhead are still around. Are the Brown Trout still around? Just trying to understand the cycle/pattern of Fall/Winter tributary fishing. Thanks.
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