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Posts posted by akaShag

  1. I don't have time to read all seven pages YET, but Elizabeth May is anti-gun.  This from CSSA:



    COMMENTARY – GUNS AND GREENS Many gun owners wonder about “the big three” and ask if there is a place for gun owners in the Green Party. That’s a two-step question best answered by both Green Party policy and party leader Elizabeth May. First, the new Green Party policy says this. Green Party MPs will: 1. Put strict measures in place for those who attempt to cross the Canada/U.S. border with illegal firearms;2. Fulfill Canada’s obligation under international agreements (United Nations Firearms Protocol and the Organization of American States Firearms Convention) to mark all imported firearms, as recommended by the Canadian Association of Police Boards and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police;3. Ensure that gun crime charges are not dropped to facilitate convictions on lesser charges;4. Review the registry for restricted firearms in consultation with First Nations, and with gun sports and hunter organizations. We will ensure law-abiding citizens do not have their firearms unreasonably confiscated; and5. Work with target shooting organizations to establish safe and protected locations where target shooting can be practiced. First off, we already have strict measures in place at our borders. What exactly does she propose we do? Second, all firearms imported into Canada already have a unique identifier. It’s called a serial number. This renders the United Nations’ marking scheme redundant. While the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police might like that needless bureaucratic waste, its impact on the firearms community is catastrophic. The (1997) OAS convention (INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION AGAINST THE ILLICIT MANUFACTURING OF AND TRAFFICKING IN FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, EXPLOSIVES, AND OTHER RELATED MATERIALS) was never ratified by the Canadian government, yet virtually all of the provisions contained in it already have been implemented by the bureaucracy. Third, we must be careful about what we call “gun crime charges.” We are all for violent criminals being prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but we do not want to see ordinary Canadians sent to prison because their firearms license expired. That is absurd and does nothing to stop violence in our society. Fourth, we’re thoroughly unsure of what reviewing the restricted firearms registry will accomplish, unless the goal is like Justin Trudeau: to “review” responsible firearm ownership out of existence. It’s impossible to know since the policy statement makes little sense. Fifth, we already have “safe and protected locations where target shooting can be practiced.” They are called shooting ranges, and they dot the landscape from sea to shining sea. Is it Elizabeth May’s intention to stop people from shooting on Crown land? And if she’s willing to go that far, does she want to ban hunting too? Most importantly, however, are Elizabeth May’s own words. “But the more that we restrict access to handguns, long guns, the better.” The Torontoist, Sept. 28, 2006 While Green Party policy may be a little wishy-washy on the subject, it seems Elizabeth May is not. Like both Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau, Green Party leader Elizabeth May would strip us of our firearms the first chance she gets.
  2. Last night I cooked up some BC spot-tail prawns with primavera sauce on fusilli.


    The prawns were trapped off Campbell River BC and one of my best buddies brought them out with him when he visited earlier this summer.


    Steam them off in a rolling boil of salted water;





    Then the finished dish:




    Both photos taken surreptitiously when my wife wasn't watching..............could not sneak a picture of the plate, but you get the idea.


    GOOD eats!



  3. Not sure if there is a PHO shop in K-town.


    Looks interesting for sure, and probably better than the sausages and whipped potatoes I made for supper....................but I was somewhat pressed for time.


    Tomorrow's menu (planned) is BC Spot-tail prawns Primavera with fusilli pasta, should be pretty tasty.



  4. smitty you asked about smoker time. I don't think I posted anything about this for loin bacon, but I don't smoke it as much nor as long as I do side bacon. My loin bacon as I did mention (I think) turns out like peameal - and in fact I do roll it in cornmeal at the end of it. I also use a Luhr-Jensen Big Chief, and would suggest two pans of smoke would be about right for your loin bacon. I agree that you will have a hard time to achieve an internal temperature of 160 with the smoker alone. You might try to box it with an upside-down cardboard box, which increases the heat inside the smoker - or yes as you said finish it in your oven. I have to finish salami in my oven, because the smoker just doesn't give me a high enough internal temperature for processed meats.


    I have never tried to make loin bacon that was ready to eat like the suggested recipe says, mine always had to be cooked. I am thinking it would be hard to keep the loins juicy in a smoker run out to 160...............but that is purely conjecture on my part.



  5. Dave I am sorry to hear you have not been well. Were we closer I could get you some Doctor Doug's Healing Soup, but I reckon it would be a thawed mess by the time it got to YK from here.


    Methinks you are now racing against time, with ignorant fall weather approaching. GOOD LUCK!!!!!


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