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Posts posted by akaShag

  1. back to Brian.............those two long kind of square noodles on your plate do not appear to be quite cooked enough..............


    Tonight here was venison lasagna (no pictures please, wifey is watching) and I can't believe I am saying this, but I should have had more TOMATO SAUCE in my meat sauce. How often do you say, not enough cheese, not enough meat, whatever, about a lasagna, but how often do you say not enough TOMATO!?!? :dunno:

  2. We're back into burbot season up here now, so Gerrit's beer batter recipe is a staple in this house once they start rolling in. Absolutely heavenly!

    Burbots: like bullheads, or ling? We only get the bullheads in the spring, and this year I missed them. Last year I pressure canned a bunch. In fact if I find my recipes, which I did write down, both types (filleted and bone-in) were tasty, and I could put these recipes up here.



  3. Doug, work does a number on a guy with 6 kids and one on the way lol


    I wanna cook and eat, im not interested in a pile of dishes lol


    Just pokin' fun at you bud. Get rested up before I get there in August, OK?


    And holy cats man, seven kids, that is a double marathon to run every single day! Better you than me! (My youngest is 20) :canadian:



  4. Ribs happened to be on sale again when I was stopping in at no frills on the weekend....






    Same results as always moist and fall off the bone!

    OK I admit I am lazy, do you have your rib recipe posted in this hundred-page thread? If so, what post number? Always looking for another good rib recipe. If not, can you please post it? Thanks!



  5. Great report, Bunk, and you can have that sleeping ina tent stuff in gnarly weather. Been there, done that, and my cranky old back likes its creature comforts these days! Canvas (or nylon) is not a heck of a lot of good to you if Mister Bear comes to investigate. You need some skookum bear medecine. :canadian:



  6. back to Blue Lk, yes sir I can see what you mean. My wife has asked me several times about taking pictures of food to put on a fishing website. She considers it bizarre behaviour, which even though she EXPECTS eccentricity from me, she considers this is one step past that.


    so GOOD LUCK!


  7. This thread was about the CANADIAN election, and what party or parties might support or suppress private firearms ownership here. It has gone sideways more often than it has gone forward, but so be it.


    I was asked why the comments from JoePA might have offended me and yes I did conclude from his handle, his tone, and his comments that this person is an American person. I may be wrong but I greatly doubt it. And I most assuredly have American friends, most of whom are ardent NRA supporters, as I WOULD BE if lived in the USA. That's not the point.


    I do not like to be lectured and insulted by somebody that has no skin in the game and almost certainly has incomplete knowledge of the issue at hand, which I believe to be the case in JoePa's comments to which I did and do take offence.


    In CANADA, we do not see mobs of people brandishing pitchforks and burning crosses, surging down city streets with their bedsheets wrapped on their heads, when they are unhappy about something. In CANADA we generally use peaceful means to make our opposition known, including to actions of governments. So, for example, when the government of Canada enacted Bill C-68, that is the modern firearms act, many unhappy Canadians wrote letters, button-holed their MPs, held peaceful rallies on Parliament Hill and elsewhere, challenged the legailty of the legislation, and eventually elected a government that repealed some of the more egregious aspects of C-68.


    One of the main intervenors in the fight against C-68, which we took to the Supreme Court of Canada, was the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH). In my opinion at the time, this organization was most aligned with my own views and so I decided to support the OFAH fight at the SCC level. And at that time, I donated the largest personal donation that had ever up to that point been made to the OFAH, to continue that fight. I am not a rich man but I put my money where my mouth was. And yes for the nitpickers I did get a tax receipt so I recouped 20 or 30 percent of my donation at tax time. I am not aware of any other individual who put a small fortune into the war chest.


    So yes I resent being told I give up my freedoms too easily, or whatever poppycock it was that was written. In CANADA we do things our way, and generally that does not involve blood in the streets. We do NOT have a Second Amendment, we do NOT have the right to bear arms as a constitutional guarantee, and we almost always work within the law to achieve our aims. In this election, as I have already stated, there is only one party that does not threaten private ownership of firearms as currently exists in Canadian Law, and that party, like them or hate them, is the Conservatives.


    'Nuff said. Flame away. :ninja:



  8. Dear JoePA, I do not need a lecture from a foreigner about how I live my life.


    And I do not need sweeping generalizations from a foreigner to the effect that I am 'WILLING TO GIVE UP MY FREEDOM SO EASILY."


    You are certainly entitled to your opinions but I take offence at your broad-brush comments. I doubt VERY MUCH that you understand our history of private firearms ownership in this country, nor our political history with which that is intertwined.


    I don't make negative comments about Americans on American Internet sites and suggest it is churlish for you to do so here.



  9. OK I have signed on for Mozilla Firefox. This is a test to see if I can cut and paste.






    Note to Chef: all measurements HIGHLY approximate, and don’t matter really anyway.


    3 tbsp Becel (or butter, or olive oil)

    1 medium Vidalia onion, diced

    950 ml Campbell’s Chicken Broth (or your own of course)

    About 2 cups of cubed potatoes

    3 to 4 cups sliced carrots

    2 stalks celery, sliced coarse

    2 pears, peeled, cored and chunked

    Grated nutmeg (about a third of a whole nut, grated), salt and pepper

    1 tsp curry powder


    Saute onions in Becel until tender, then add all of the remaining ingredients except the curry powder. Simmer on medium low for about a half hour until all is cooked. Cool, then puree in a blender. Add curry powder and re-heat.


    At this point your soup is still lactose-free and can be thinned with water or broth, or thickened with grated potato or a similar thickener. If you don’t have to worry about lactose-free, add about a half-cup of cream. Heat to piping hot, but not boiling, and serve.



  10. OK now I have read through all seven pages and see a wee bit of topic drift.............. :whistling: And some truly lunatic fringe stuff like billyboblunkerkiller that thinks more legislation will stop criminals from committing gun crimes.


    But back to the topic at hand.....


    I think most of us suffer from electile dysfunction, we are unable to get aroused about ANY party that is after our votes this time.


    But as I said if we get back to the subject, and consider which (mainstream) party in this election does NOT want to restrict (or greatly restrict, or ban) ownership of firearms that are currently legal for licenced Canadians to possess, there is only one party. It happens to be the Conservatives, who have a pile of excess baggage, WITHOUT QUESTION.


    I do suspect that the Libertarian Party is pro-gun ownership, given their thesis that individuals should be responsible for their actions, and less government is good government. I do not know if this is factual, but they have zero chance of forming a government or an opposition, and so I discount them as basically irrelevant to the outcome of the election.


    If you are a one-main-issue voter, and your issue is the continuing personal ownership of firearms, drawing a penis on your ballot, on your head, whatever, is not helpful to your issue. So if firearms ownership is IMPORTANT to you, then you have one choice. Obviously, if this issue is NOT important to you, you have multiple choices, all of which may fail to arouse you and so drawing a penis, or not voting, may be your solution to this.


    I do not support many of the actions of our existing government, and am truly angry about some. But FOR ME, firearms are an important part of my life and heritage, and I wish to be able to continue to hunt, and shoot targets, and so I am going to hold my nose and vote for the only party that does not wish to rob me of that.



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