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Steel Bunny

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Everything posted by Steel Bunny

  1. Hello everyone I am trying to decide between the islander cp and the kingpin imperial. I am new to float fishing, and this will be my first cp. Do you have any opinions on which one I should get, and why? Thanks for your help!!
  2. A bit? I was balling! lol
  3. WOW lets do it!
  4. Why would a bass fishermen think trout are garbage fish?
  5. I just bought two tickets....phew....
  6. Should I be worried that this might sell out? lol...
  7. Wait till they see my hookset!!!!
  8. Great lakes exhibit!? I have to see this!!!!
  9. Wow this looks amazing!!!!!! Can I be your friend?
  10. haha! I am overwhelmed with how nice you all are....and funny too! I had a few good laughs reading through the thread. Thank you so much, I am looking forward to expanding my network of fishing junkies
  11. No need to welcome me staffman, we already know eachother...dontwe ?
  12. Thanks jd Nice laker in your profile pic.....thats the next trophy on my list
  13. Thanks Bernie, Sad to hear about the steel thing ....you should give it a shot this year. Truth be told I had no idea what I was missing!
  14. Hi all, I am a new member, looking to learn a few things and meet others who share my insane obsession with fishing. The more you get to know me, the more you will see that I am sicka than your average...... I am from Durham, fishing mostly the east side of the GTA. I like to fish for anything that swims but my real passion is steelheading. I get out as often as I can which has been 3-4 times a week on average. First light, after work or mid day....I'll take what I can get. Right now I'm float fishing but I just picked up my first fly rod and I cannot wait to learn on brookies this spring! Does anyone else feel the way I do about steelheading? Thats probably a silly question....
  15. I was just thinking the same thing this morning. Its not always easy to find people you want to spend 8 hours with in a small hut. Maybe if you can go during the week, and if they have availability...they will let you rent one solo? When I find a place I will let you know
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