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Everything posted by Mmagic76

  1. Been with them a few years back, nice huts, but the fishing wasn't all that great. Landed a few perch and 1 pike amongst 5 of us for a whole weekend. The huts are well insulated and it's very warm inside. The people were easy to deal with but we had to wait 1hr b4 getting to our huts b/c we had to wait for them to clear the snow to get there.
  2. Great story and amazing pictures, thanks for sharing!
  3. Yes, open all season Salmon (except Atlantic) in that section you mentioned, up until Dec 31st for Trout. Water low, clear, lots of snagging goin on, but the MNR have been there more often this year.
  4. I was there on Wednesday evening and apparently the cops and the ministry were called, they charged several ppl. What's the # to the MNR anyway?
  5. I've heard that the reason they jump is to losen the eggs in the female's stomach.
  6. I was there last night, saw a few jumping at the peir, 1 landed amongst 50-60 fishermen. Went right past the sanctuary, didn't see any signs of them there, nor do I think they can swim much furthur than the 2nd bridge since the water is easily 2ft lower than norms.
  7. LOL, that was hilarious!
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