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Everything posted by walleyedreamer

  1. Last two week of fishing was great. head for Picton. work the weed edges. from the water treatment plant to the old truss make sure you bring Rapala hot chum tail dancer. and the Rapala perch tail dancer, size Rapala td09, 3 1/2 long. worked for us. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  2. Saturday morning of the second week had came. and i did not know it at the start of the second week that bassdreamer, aka Kim was going to kick my ass. he started out with 1 large mouth bass, and me zero. Sunday 6 large mouth bass, and one walleye, me zero again. Monday 1 walleye for Kim and after two days with out a fish i got 1 walleye. did a little better on Tuesday with three large mouth bass and Kim got 1 large mouth bass. Wednesday was Kim day with 6 walleye to my 1 walleye. Thursday we got 1 walleye each. Friday morning came and we decide to pull the boat out 25 k winds from the south west. high light of the week, me stepping out of the boat at the back end. two rods were along the side so i turn my right foot side ways, not to step on them, and guess what. lol. the boat move away from the dock,and i fell face first on the dock, head just missed one of Kevin new 16 foot smoker crafts. total's for two week's of fishing, were 23 walleye, 18 large mouth bass, 2 northern pikes, 1 perch. and 1 sheep head which my buddy Wayne caught when he was up for a few day on the first week. smallest walleye 16 inches, largest walleye 26 inches 6.2 pounds. largest bass 3.0 pounds. northern were 6 pounds each. can't wait for the second week of November, when i get too try out my modified bigjon electric down riggers for the first time. ps to all you OFCer that come up to Merland on the third week of November for the get together. there a new deck being build for pictures and watch the sunny go down.at Merland park and thanks Kevin and Jen for the great time. at your resort. always doing something to improve the park for us fishing men and ladies. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  3. Well head for Quinte Saturday morning, Aug 25. if any of you fellow OFCer. did not read my post from three week's ago. left around 8:00 am. taking that good old 401. to 49 Maryvilla. and on to sunny gas bar. for gas and smokes. then to the public launch. and to Merkland park. did not fish on Saturday. two week's of fishing. what's one day right. well Sunday came and bassdreamer aka Kim and walleyedreamer aka Chris had the itch. we were both ready to run down to kevin dock and get some of them great quinte walleye.as the morning fish came to a close. no fish. 12:00 noon and headed to the cottage. fish that evening and still no fish. said to Kim hope it's not like last year when we got 6 walleye and 3 bass in two weeks.well Monday came along, and so did the bacon, eggs, and toast, and coffee. half to start the day off right. you know. on Monday we got on the board. Kim 2 walleye to my 1 walleye. as the first week came to an end,on Friday. Kim had 4 walleye, 2 large mouth bass, and 1 northern pike. i ended up with 7 walleye, 5 large mouth bass, and 1 pike. and a small perch.
  4. thanks guy. we do this every year at merland park. plus a second trip on the second week of November. trolling that time of year. this time it's cast cast the weed beds. and may be some trolling in around hay bay. my favorite spot is probably Keith shoal. last year at this time we had asked Kevin at merland park that it would be nice to have a deck. for cottage ten and by the second week of November it was build. just think a cold beer after a day of fishing on the deck. here the before and after picture of the deck. goes to show you how great Kevin and Jen are. and that's one of the reason i support Merland park. what more can you ask for. lol. just can wait , three days to go. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  5. Well it's that time of year again. off to the bay of quinte for two weeks of fishing,first time there this year. for walleye and bass. starting on Saturday 25 staying at Merland park, once again. same old cottage #10 kind of grows on you over the years. the little green cottage that is. and all the good food. eat like kings when we are there. and yes my fishing buddy Kim will be there once again. so if your out that way, give us a wave, hope to have some great pictures and report. after the two week that we are on the bay of quinte. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer
  6. Lowrance all the way, they stand by there product. service is pretty good . i have the x 125 and the x 1o2c on my Alumacraft navigator sport 175 . they stop make the x 125 about a year ago. but should be still around. and happy with both units. what i like about Lowrance and Eagle. is, on there web site. they have a thing called product emulators. so you can download say 102c demo. and play around with it, as if it was in your boat. get to know how it works before you even buy it. decide which model you like. then do some pricing at different place for the best buy. and all that left to do is put in the boat. happy fishing,see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  7. second picture to help
  8. hi i just bought these down riggers about a month ago. and was wondering how to use the rod holder with the spring near the bottom. if i drop the cannon ball 50 feet with line attach to the clip, do i push on the rod holder with the springs near the bottom. the tight up the line on the reel. or do nothing. just tight up the line on the reel. leave the rod holder straight up . and part two of the question is i used an eight pound cannon ball on my manual last year. and steel cable was on an angle. at about two miles a hour. should i be using an ten pound ball to get it straight as possible. does shape matter. like a fish shape. thanks for the help. walleyedreamer
  9. you can always get a propane Lantern they last a good time. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  10. just two rods and reels i decided too show off to all my fellow fisherman and lady fisherman, one is a 1948 Hurd Super Caster with all metal blank. and the second one i just pick up last week when i was back in my home town of Kirkland lake. which i got it off my sister. i know the reel is a Penn #85 first started making them in 1941. and stop selling them a round the 80's. not sure what year this reel was made. do to it belong to my past away brother in law. and the the trolling rod it attached too i never seen one like it. in my life time. its 37 inches long. there no marking on it. to show who was the manufacture. looks like cherry wood with the parts holding the reel look to be brass. if any one has seen the rod before. let me know who made it. i like too know who made it. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer. i post two more pictures in part two of rods and reels.
  11. try a blood knot http://www.fish4fun.com/bloodknot.htm go to this site.
  12. welcome English, you fine great people on here, and great tips. and if you look very close in to your monitor. you see more then 2000 smiles. happy fishing,see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  13. try tite-lok rod holders good all round rod holder the one you want is sure set with c-mount. check cabelas for a picture of them. lebaron sell them, as well as bass pro shop. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer
  14. i also agree with addy79 my vote would be Balsam too. one of the largest lakes in the Kawartha's happy fishing,see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  15. lol no pictures of it being tow out of the water lol. happy fishing,see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  16. have one for sale.if dealer charges too much. paid $57.00 new never used. selling it for $45 plus postage. will not fit on my calkins trailer. comes with two rubber tie down straps and bracket. if your roller is under your boat. you can use the bracket. the v shape end fits near the lower unit, and the u shape end fits on the rear roller at the back of the boat. or use the bracket that come with the transom saver. which is screw on the frame of your trailer. my email address is [email protected] if you are interested.
  17. any time fisherman i though it looked like a good idea at the time in 2004. when i bought it. so i found out the hard way that my wedge is not so great. stay a way from it. if it sits near your trim housing. which most are made of plastic these days. use the one with the bar. i also have red small lights in the way which prevents me from using the bar type. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
  18. I had bought a transom savers and because the back end of my trailer (calkin's trailers) the u shape end of the transomsaver would not fit, because, the tube of the trailer is at an 45 degree angle , so the add on piece that came with the transom saver, could not be used. if the bar or tube was 90 degree to the ground i could of used it. and my roller are under my boat at the back end of the boat. so what did i do. i look up on the web and found my wedge a few years ago. like fisherman has posted in his post which is a a five inch rectangle piece of rubber with a u shape slot cut out from one end to the other. which is placed on the piston shaft. and then your motor is trim down. well it is now a rubber paper weight. that sits on my computer desk. yes a friend lower it and cracked my trim housing. which is made of plastic. which cost me $220.00 to get repaired. so i will never be using it again. and as far as the regular one with the bar, with the v shape end at one end and u shape at the other end. still in package un used and is in the classified under manual down riggers. as for my wedge not for sale because i would not want some one else to crack there trim housing. happy fishing, see you on the water, walleyedreamer.
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