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About walleyedreamer

  • Birthday 10/14/1962

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    fishing, taken photos, computers. and more fishing took a long absents from boating since 2012. just got my boat back on the water last year 2019. truck loan,

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  1. yap am kind late, my boat going in the water. first time this year beat the long weekend. boat ramps be kind of full :-).

    IMG_1481 (1).JPG

  2. @ this time not interest. old post.
  3. thank's for the answer. since Balsam Lake. bridge repair been done early June. if I get a chance. put the boat @ Rosedale. happy fishing guy's. :-)
  4. look @ the map going down river from gull river. from Norland to Shadow.. think it would be just be better. to fish out of Balsam Lake. know there is a slot limit there. for the walleye .know there Muskie there. pike is a ?
  5. has any one used the public launch. was told it's road # 1 near Norland Ont. never fished that lake any pointer walleye ?
  6. if I knew how I would just delete it. my post.
  7. hi: has any one fished Corben lake it's near Norland & how deep is this lake. also looking for a good boat launch what type of fish is in that lake. thank's for the information ,
  8. fishing on Moore how rock's near the shore line. is there good launch area is east Moore lake the same. deep enough to get through the channel/ river never been there.
  9. to add am driving from Scarborough to the area I mention's. gas prices will play a big part where I want to travel. thanks for the help. this area is new to me.
  10. hi have my 17 1/2 Alumacraft 115 Johnson am in Kinmount area & Norland area for bass & walleye other then Balsam lake slot limit. good free area to put the boat in the water. second part of my question how deep is Moore lake & gull lake,
  11. don't feel too bad mine biger then my buddy's 'lol'. bassdreamer.
  12. called one tough fish. only cought one walleye 7 1/2 pound's. one week of fishing. o well next year. give it a shot again. water too warm. 51 degree's.
  13. thank's it all clear now am sure am going to enjoy this unit compare to he x125 thank's again for all the tip's what would with out you guy;s on OFC
  14. yes there is two yellow wires doi tape all the do i only use the black and red all other taped septerated with electrical tape. hope that right. i have lot;s of places left on my fuse panel use the yellow with the red and black goes to the battery.still not sure what the silver wire bare one is for.
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