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Everything posted by jerdog

  1. I went out in the Playa Del Carmen area here's the link to the operator I used there: Captain Rick's They let you keep fish you catch except for billfish and barracuda. There are lots of restaurants in the port area too that will cook your catch for reasonable rates. My advice would be to take a look at the long range weather forecast before heading down (a week in advance) to get an idea of what the winds are going to be like so that you can plan your activities accordingly. If I had waited past the second day of my trip I wouldn't have gotten out because the winds were too high.
  2. Just south of Playa Del Carmen is a small community called Puerto Adventuras. I went out with Captain Rick and would recommend them. Fishing was ok but it was a really nice operation. If you plan on trolling (for marlin and sailfish) get a small group together and charter the whole boat rather than hopping on a shared boat. This way if fishing is slow at least you'll know the person who gets to real in a fish.
  3. I got one ordered in (maybe 3 day wait) at the Brooklin Home Hardware. I've seen 8lb'ers at the CT on Taunton but really expensive. Even the regular 5lb'ers are quite a bit more expensive than a regular 20. Good luck.
  4. Update posted on another forum: "I would like to thank everyone that has already submitted a response to this survey. This site has been a good source to solict responses. The survey is available until mid-August at which point I will be closing the survey and compiling the results. Look for information on either the OFAH website or in the Hotline Section of OOD. For those that have not completed the survey, please take the time to weigh in. I'm hoping to capture general observations of all anglers, not just those that fish sturgeon"
  5. OFAH doesn't seem too concerned with the recent reports. OFAH Response to News Reports
  6. The report is pretty biased. There is another article put out by Canada Press that has info from MOE and OFAH. Canada Press Story Anglers should take a look at the MOE Guide and they will find out that there are A LOT of fish suitable for eating from the Great Lakes and the Inland waters. Encouraging Government to keep sending money to continue the clean up of the Great Lakes is good but they should be able to do it without spreading half truths about Ontario's fish and scaring people away from enjoying a healthy meal. Keep the small ones for the pan and let the bigger ones go.
  7. Found this on a different forum but figured it was relevant to this audience as well. ========== The O.F.A.H. is collecting information on anglers habits and observations as they relate to sturgeon fishing. Several changes have been made to the recreational fishing regulations for sturgeon in Ontario and this survey is intended to gauge angler responses to those changes. The O.F.A.H. continues to work with the M.N.R. to ensure sustainable fishing opportunities continue to exist. We are looking for responses from sturgeon anglers and non-sturgeon anglers alike. To access the survey please go to www.ofah.org/sturgeon If you have any question regarding this survey please contact Jeremy Holden, OFAH Fisheries Biologist
  8. This is a great opportunity to see an internationally reknowned speaker on the importance of hunting and fishing to conservation efforts as well as providing a historical context that anglers and hunters are the best conservationists. Special Seminar: Opportunity for All. An evening with Shane Mahoney We are very fortunate to have a special seminar speaker in Kingston this Thursday evening at 7:30 PM at Queen's University in room 1101 of the Biosciences Complex (follow the signs on the main floor). Shane Mahoney is an excellent speaker and anyone who is interested in issues associated with fish and wildlife conservation should definitely attend. He will be dropping by Queen's after addressing Parliament in Ottawa on Tuesday. Born and raised in Newfoundland, Shane Mahoney is variously described as a philosopher, scientist, humanist, writer, and gifted orator. In fact, he is all of these things. He has emerged as one of the most recognized and influential personalities in North American conservation today. Shane has been the keynote speaker at virtually every major wildlife conservation and sustainable use conference held on this continent in the last decade, and is in increasing demand at international venues, both for his scientific expertise in wildlife management and his unique ability to communicate the relevance of our hunting and angling engagements in modern times. He has also addressed both the Canadian Parliament and the U.S. Congress. Recognized as a chief architect and champion of the North American Wildlife Conservation Model, Shane Mahoney has lectured throughout the world on the importance of the sustainable use approach to wildlife and fish conservation, and to the preservation of human cultures and traditions that have explored and maintained this earliest dependence on the planet’s wild resources. Shane has received the Public Service Award of Excellence from the government of Newfoundland, has been named one of the ten most influential conservationists in Canada by Canadian Geographic Magazine, was awarded the 2008 International Conservationist of the Year by Safari Club International, the Gold Medal in Wildlife Science by the Cesar Kleberg Institute in 2007, and has just been nominated for Person of the Year by Outdoor Life Magazine. Host: B Tufts, Department of Biology, Queen's University
  9. the stuff is GREAT -- extreme kept me warm in -30 weather. It's also waterproof. I'm about the the same size at tbayBoy and I was wearing a large. Room for a couple of layers underneath but not too bulky. US sizes tend to be a bit larger. The new SnoSuit (not sure if it is Clam Corp) is pretty wicked stuff too.
  10. Except that hole is filled with water and even heavy gas is lighter than water and a lot of anlgers put snow around the hut to keep the draft out. Every year a couple anglers die in the fish hut due to CO poisening. If you use a heater in your hut be aware of the dangers.
  11. One piece that is wrong in that video is that Carbon Monoxide (ie. the silent killer) is heavier than air. The vent at the top may help bring new air in but don't depend on it to let the CO out. http://www.safety-council.org/info/OSH/carbon.htm
  12. http://www.ohep.net/ has a list of instructors for both hunter education and the CFC course.
  13. Does anyone actually have a copy of the bylaw in question? Please send me a PM if you have it. Thanks.
  14. Natural Resources Canada is a federal agency not the provincial Ministry of Natural Resources.
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