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Everything posted by Artem

  1. I am going to say that this is not true. I study science at university and this violates the first law of thermodynamics; which states energy can neither be created nor destroyed and in an isolated system the total energy is always the same. Water is a molecule of H2O, Hydrogen H2 releases energy when it is reacted with oxygen to form water (H2O). So the problem here is that it is a circular reaction. 2 H2O + Energy --> 2 H2 + O2 which then reacts to 2 H2 + O2 --> 2 H2O + Energy. You neither gain nor lose energy through this reaction and that is even if it does occur so that pretty much is theoretical proof that this device is a scam. If you want to increase you're fuel efficiency the best way to do it is to work with your car. For every unit of gas burned you produce 1 unit of energy say. You want to make this unit of energy count for as much as possible. Ways to do this are simply making adjustments to your driving habits. This is especially important for long distance trips like going up north. 1. Use the gas and break pedal as little as possible. Accelerating very quickly, like flooring it after a green light is very inefficient. You put the car into high RPM and while you gain speed faster you burn more energy getting there. So if you are at a red light be light on the gas pedal and get to cruising speed fairly slowly, you want all the gear changes to be done at as low as possible RPM. The break pedal is the other one; you want to use this as little as possible, every time you break you are losing potential coasting energy which is burnt fuel. This doesn't mean disconnect your break and just pray for the best it means avoid the style of driving where you gas up to 130 get near the car ahead of you break down to 100 then gas back up to 130. 2. Speed is a bit more tricky. Every car has it's own ideal speed depending on a ton of factors, where the gears are set, how much HP the engine has, the aerodynamics of the car. What you want is to be in the very lowest RPM of your top gear. For my 03' Accord this is around 90 km/h or give or take but I still drive 100 on the highways just to save some time. Pretty much you should not be going above the speed limit, yes you save time but you burn more fuel. One of the few cases where time is not money. Also connected with point 1. is that you want to keep a constant speed, if you are going 100 go 100, not jumping back and forth between 95 and 105. Cruise control is ideal in this situation. 3. Take care of your car. Keep up to date with your oil change, make sure your tires are fully inflated, have a mechanic check under the hood that everything is in good order. So to sum up, take your time driving, go the speed limit and try to cruise control and if you don't have that keep a steady foot to keep a steady pace. Fishing is about enjoying yourself, enjoy the drive up and the scenery as well. Save green by enjoying the greens. Cheers
  2. Great little story. Persevering fish.
  3. That is pretty sweet thanks
  4. I caught some Round Gobies in Lake Ontario on the weekend. Looks like the sots got here too. Hope they don't do any serious damage :S
  5. Congrats you are super lucky!!! :D Drive safe now
  6. Well about now is when the show is on. Everyone take a gander to the North East and hopefully you'll see something.
  7. http://www.space.com/spacewatch/040806_perseid_guide.html Anyone camping or fishing this weekend should have a beautiful view of the meteor shower this weekend. When it's dark you want to watch North East direction, it's suppose to be exceptionally good this year. Also on Tuesday I went fishing at Toronto Islands since my friend backed out of Silent Lake, didn't catch anything . I use floats/bait and little plastic red and yellow squid on a hook from the shore. Nothing seemed to work and I changed spots many times. It sucked that I didn't catch anything but the day was relaxing and worth it. I am kinda new to fishing so does anyone have any suggestions what else I can use besides live bait and a floater. Also other things that are in season right now to fish for besides Bass.
  8. Thanks alot for the help guys Trip to Silent Lake should be awesome. I'll be sure to take pictures.
  9. Hello everyone, I am new to these boards and I have been reading quite a bit of the back logs. I have fished when I was younger and now have picked it up again and I love it. It is so relaxing and makes you really enjoy life and Canada's beautiful wilderness. As the post says I am planning an excursion to Silent Lake for 2 days (Tuesday>Wednesday) and I have a few questions. 1) How much does it cost to rent a canoe for two days there? 2) How is the fishing this time of year there? 3) What kind of bait should I bring? 4) What is the best time to leave Toronto to get there for good fishing? 5) Any tips/suggestions welcome : D I am hoping to get a Kayak in the next year or so or maybe even build one for myself. Also my line is set up Float>Sinkers>Hook w/ bait. I was wondering if there are any lures/jigs(??) or something else that I need.
  10. Well I guess I will introduce myself as well. I am Artem, I like to fish every once in a while. I am a beginner and new to the forum. Look forward to discussing fishing
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