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Posts posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. To get your papers you need a certain amount of classroom time (varies by trade). Some trades that are unregulated you can skip and later on apply work experience in lieu of book learnin's...but those trades like machinist, tool & die, millwright are not very attractive in this country.


    OSAP won't cover trade courses, unless that's changed in the last few years. Modern art history at a university, yes. 3 year HVAC course at Sheridan, no.


    to my knowledge, the only thing I know of that hinders you getting an OSAP loan is if your parents (assuming you live with them) make too much money.

  2. i actually want to get into heating and air conditioning my dads friend does it and theres always work and the moneys not bad but i have to build up some money right now to get there. im not looking for a life time job just something that will help me along


    You seem to want to make money right away, so an apprenticeship is right for you. They are not easy to find, and almost always you will need to know somebody to help you get in. Another option is to take a good course in college. To pay for it, apply for an osap loan. If the course is worthy, it will have a coop semester where you can make money, and if you have good financial control you can pay off most of your osap debts while your in school. If you ask me, if its 3+ years its worthy, if its 2 or less its useless and you will not be satisfied with the pay/career advancement it has to offer.

  3. I was in the mall yesterday looking at polarized glasses. The girl working there said Maui Jim's are 89% polarized, whereas Revo's are 99%. Something you may want to consider. The Maui Jim's with the titanium frame are sweet though, and will set you back $300. Revo's were 200-300+.

  4. Aluminum, and your 36lb will do just fine. I got one on a 14.5 and it moves it fine. To give you an idea: in a 1.5ft chop the thrust has to be at just over half (6/10) the max power of the motor to move it very slowly (0.8mph). When there is next to no current, the boat will move slowly (0.8mph) at the 1.5-2/10 setting. At max thrust I think I get something like 5mph. Not bad for a 1200lb boat including me and a passenger. Hope this helps!

  5. If I was you I would be more worried about what the warranty claim process is like. Some stores will give you a rod directly off their rack if you come in with a broken one (assuming they have it in stock and it was not broken by abuse). Otherwise, you need to pay like 40$ just to ship it out to Shimano. Something worth keeping in mind.

  6. Call any tire place and ask them the same question you asked here. I would call 3 different places, as there is always an idiot you could run into.


    Go to www.tirerack.com for all tire reviews. Good site. Has very good prices too for majority of tires. Ship the tires to a PO box, then cross the border, pick up the tires and have them changed at a garage in the States. This option allows you to leave a few extra bucks in your pocket.

  7. You wont get them to budge much to be honest with you. The most they will budge is MAYBE 1000$. Your best bet is to say "This is my offer, I will leave my number with you and incase you change your mind you can give me a call". Your dreaming if you think they will take an offer like yours which is considerably less. You need to find yourself a private sale, and then wave the certified cheque in their face. Works much better in that scenario.

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