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About oncogene

  • Birthday 01/01/2006

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    Kingston ON

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  1. Don't the gas companies LOVE hurricanes or what. Just when the oil price is going down, here comes another hurricane to give them all the excuse they need to jack up the price.... "OMG hurricane, we'r scared and we'r gona increase the gas price so the pile of cash can give us more comfort." Becoz it's cheaper for the gas companies to pay-off the politicians to have their mouth shut, then to actually lower the price (or stop increasing the price).
  2. it seems every other time I saw a thread by ccmt, it's PB of something lol Darn good fish!!
  3. Aside from the liquid turning dark brown (which I mentioned in one of the other threads), on a recent attempt to try them again, I found the 4" minnows became quite stiff. I put one on the hook and drag it thru water and the minnow tail barely, if at all, wiggled. It's like a dead wood stick. I dont' have a new bucket of them to compare to so I don't know if it's originally supposed to be like that... but I doubt it.
  4. geez, rage much? Just because politicians, government/corporations abuse some issues to their benefits, to try to make it a propaganda, to gain power, to make money and what not, doesn't mean the issues are all non-existence.
  5. You forget the 2 most important ingredients... 100lb of politics and 100tons of money. It doesn't matter what the original issue is, once those 2 are injected into the mix, everything else is irrelevant.
  6. It does say: "This article lists scientists and former scientists who have stated disagreement with one or more of the principal conclusions of the mainstream scientific opinion on global warming. It should not be interpreted as a list of global warming skeptics. Inclusion is based on specific criteria that do not necessarily reflect skepticism toward climate change caused by human activity, or that such change could be large enough to be harmful." yeahhhhh sureeee ok
  7. Funny you mention Olympics. Haven't you read and heard of all the initial concerns about the air pollution in Beijing that would affect the athletics performance, and all the drastic measures the Chinese government did in order to clean up the environment? You cant' just forcefully includes everything (natural environment, pollution, medicine, living standard) as one giant big factor (that you termed as environment)... then said coz we live better overall now, so everything you just include in this one giant factor must all contribute positively. Yes, we can indeed have worse air quality, worse climate, and still have a overall better live.
  8. I agree with the comment you'r arguing against yourself Your quote: "Secondly if we are suffering negative health effects, how is it that our lifespans have increased over the last hundred years? Don't get me wrong I know the climate is changing. It's that blanket statements like yours do beg for some questions. " Last time I checked... an increase in global temperature (whether you think it's caused by human or not), or change in climate (colder, warmer, wetter, dryer) doesn't kill us. And even air pollution does NOT kill people, not in an acute way... it's a slow, very slow process. In fact for the most part air pollution itself does not kill anyone... it just makes ppl more susceptible to diseases, getting sick easier etc. On the other hands, all the modern medicine, antibiotics, vaccines, diagnostic equipments are leaps and bounces from a hundred years ago, there is no comparison at all. And if you want to argue over semantics, I wouldn't mix in environment with health care as 1 giant thing. If I throw you in a poisoned air chamber, while giving you an antidote on site... is your overall environment (your definition) still good? You'll still be alive right? ....I think not.
  9. Medicine, vaccine? health care, doctors, hospitals, all the gazillion dollars that goes into health science & medical research?
  10. Piranhas are freshwater fish. You are right about the part that they'r from Amazon... except Amazon is a freshwater body, not saltwater Most likely they wont' survive. BUT there's always exception. I've read reports of tropical fish (mostly small ones like tetras etc) that managed to survive as small colonies in warmer water of cold geographic regions.... say warm water exhaust from power plants or what not.
  11. Becoz being politically correct is more important than many & any issues these days to alot of ppl.
  12. Is there a better job in this world, to get a $2mil bonus, for sucking at what u'r supposed to do
  13. I find it funny (well, not really), that ppl start blaming/critizing this and that, yet do we actually know any details of the ppl involved in that incident at all? It's (or can be anyway) "investment immigration" I think?
  14. 1-size fit all I guess? I'm using 5" senkos.
  15. I just ordered and received a bag of o-rings from Ebay..... $2 for 100, plus $2 shipping, as I mentioned in the other post Dan linked. These are just a hair, barely, smaller than the o-rings that come with the BPS o-ring tools, but fit just fine. 100 of them... should last me 2-3 years...
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