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About ranger520vx

  • Birthday 01/13/1970

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  1. You must mean next Saturday, not tomorrow right Cliff?
  2. Strike King Red Eye Shads are designed to shimmy on a vertical fall.
  3. Green weed
  4. Around the end of February, my friend was fishing Lake Simcoe around Kennedy and Lake Road. Two individuals pulling a hut with a yellow snowmobile pulled up to him and struck up a distracting conversation for a few minutes. One of the individuals now is known to be 13 years old, the other his "father". They left and soon my friend noticed his cordless drill and auger missing. As luck would have it, he went back to shore see the culprits loading their sled up. He was able to get a plate number. He reported this to Police and his drill which was etched with initials was recovered, along with numerous other property in less then 2 weeks. Many thanks to York Region Police, especially lead officer with the badge number 1094. If you have further info or have been a victim, contact York Region Police.
  5. Yes it was a great week to get away alone to drift some real special strain of Chrome known as the Chambers Creek strain that originated in Washington State. Very few places have this strain available on the Eastern Coast of North America but I understand from a reliable source it is being experimented with for introduction in the Grey Bruce area. This year has seen low water in many places but at some point, this strains biological clock trumps local conditions and large pushes of Chrome begin to show up. Fast tailouts of large deep pools were the ticket along with small 2 egg sacks in natural tones using quality Flurocarbon, clear floats along with sharp hooks. Met some real amazing centerpin anglers from around the planet and shared stories and tricks between hookups or over a few pops by a campfire. I have a new found passion to try 2 handed Spey Rod fishing because it was just so cool to watch masters swing lines across and hookup on large Steelhead. I was able to also enjoy relative solitude by walking off the beaten path a little further then most were willing to to really connect with nature in all it forms. Get out and drift some Chrome before the ice moves in!!
  6. You a cop?? Hey Rob- gotta get some more of your bucktail jigs-worked good. Pop me PM. Mark Tarnawczyk
  7. Closed as of November 15th. New regs come into effect on Jan.1st for FMZ17.
  8. Im far from being the "Board Cop" but maybe you should reconsider posting the specifics on locations that you do-it is in fact in the Rules here. You are complaining about the crowds in Port Albert-maybe they read gratitituous information also. Try using "Lake Huron trib" or something generic next time.
  9. Hey John, Ive seen them paired up most years during the Trout Opener on the Bayfield River so they are at it much earlier then most people suspect. The male Smallmouth actually guards the nest and fry and its upwards of 3 weeks. Ive seen video of young fry swim into the mouth of their father for protection. Some great pics of the act have been documented by Kim Stricker of Hook N Look. Below is a link to the Gallery. Link
  10. I've been lucky to hold National Live Release Records for Brown Trout and Atlantic Salmon both caught in 1991 that are certified by National Fish Registry.
  11. Talk about rewriting history…against all odds, statistics, history and the armchair opinions of one resident script kiddy… Penguins showed a lot of class and determination (aka..nuts) in their sweet Stanley Cup Win. It proves that heart can beat the best of talent (top 4 lines in hockey right??) Your commentary was more tolerable considering you weren’t cutting into MY bonus this time at the the bank and gloating about it. See ya on the water..Never give up!
  12. Your shallow shoreline spots are only good so long> Find some water exposed more to main Lake. They don't leave the Islands entirely.
  13. Start with Bassmasters. Its really exciting stuff-more exciting would be your research of the evolution in Canada as it was Bob Izumis' father Joe that got it started here. Good luck
  14. We've have been discussing this on BIG FAT BASS recently and it is NOT rumour-its caught me by surprise. I'm lifting the begining of the thread and pasting below. Apparently, MTO regulations that have been in effect since 1994 will be more strictly enforced in the near future. This is due to an increase in incidents resulting from unsafe towing on our roads. The O.P.P. have recently received training on trailer safety issues, and will be conducting Province wide "blitzes" in conjunction with the MTO in an effort to ensure that standards are being met, and to maintain safety on our roads. Any vehicle (ex: your truck!) and trailer (ex: the one with your boat on it!) must not exceed a combined GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) of 4500 kgs/9920lbs without both the truck and trailer receiving an annual safety inspection at an approved MTO Inspection Station. **It is important to note that the "GVRW", is not the actual weight of your vehicle(s), it is the maximum load rating of your vehicle. It is different from the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). This information is usually found on a sticker that is located on the door or door post of your vehicle/trailer, or on the sticker that is located near the tongue of your trailer. If the combined GVWR is less than 4500kg/9920lbs, then you are fine. If the combined GVWR of your vehicle and the one that you are towing is in excess of this weight, then you are required to have annual safety inspections done on both. Vehicles that have been inspected will display a bright yellow sticker, which will make it easy to ensure that you are in compliance. It's really important for us to check this on our own vehicles, since most tandem axle trailer/truck combinations end up being over 4500kg. There are very few exceptions to these regulations with regard to the towing of boat/snowmobile trailers, etc. My husband was told by MTO officials that fines will be determined by the number of kg/lbs over the acceptable weight, and you will likely be required to unhitch your trailer from your vehicle on the spot if not in compliance. It would suck to have to leave your bass boat sitting on the side of the road because you got stopped on the way to a tourney!!! More information can be found on the MTO website: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/trucks/re...ns/annual.shtml If you have questions or concerns, it would be wise to contact your mechanic and mention Circular 31 of the MTO Safety Regulations. Here is the BFB thread.. Thread
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