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Everything posted by danw

  1. Just wondering do you bus there or drive there? And if you drive is there a place that you can drop off the car?
  2. Great post and, Nice pictures. That happened to me once, where I lost everything. I was lucky that I was able to right-click and hit the "undo" button and I was saved. I haven't fished the Toronto island before, and was considering of checking it out this summer.
  3. Great report. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Sucks to be in the rain, but glad you got some nice sized fish. Congrats on the award.
  5. congrats, great catch
  6. vid worked for me, nice big fish!
  7. Thanks for the report. Sounds like a fun day. Your kayak seem so versatile, I am itching to get one myself.
  8. Nice commercial free clip. Must have been some perch, got you to dance.
  9. Nice pictures, it is cool how you can see in the water with some of them.
  10. Looks like fun on the kayak. Nice Bass. When on the kayak, do you need a net?
  11. Great report. Nice youtube material. And very nice pan pictures.
  12. I fish less than a dozen times a year. I keep a few panfish for the pan if they are a good size. I don't land on much other types of fish, mostly get small bass which goes back. If I am lucky I might get to keep few 2lb sized bass for the year.
  13. I had a pike break my steel leader one time. It broke off just as it entered the boat.
  14. Cool, sounds like fun. I was considering getting a kayak myself too. If bigger boats drive by do you do okay? or do you get tossed around? I am always reading how the muskie spits out the hook, are you using single hooks are treble hooks? Good luck!
  15. Nice catch! That lip grip look like a good idea, maybe I should get one.
  16. Nice pics, especially the zoom on the first.
  17. I bought one of the small 1.8 Watt solar panels from CT when it was on sale for $9.99. From my testing, it did not produce much power. When I hooked it up to an LED (voltage converted) to test it, it gave a medium-high brightness on sunny day. And when using a halogen flood lamp over it, it never gave the 1.8 watt ratting on a multimeter. I don't remember what but it was near 1.8 but not 1.8 watts. IMO it be okay to slow down or maybe stop trickle loss, but I would not worry about it over charging.
  18. I am also looking for the same info. Would be interesting in see what type of characteristics to look for. I got my first baitcast reel, now looking for a rod.
  19. I am posting on behalf of my dad, since he prefers the TV over the computer and never took the time to figure out how to use it. My dad and his buddies headed up to Rice Lake yesterday. They rented a boat for the day. They fished from noon to evening. They were mainly using minnows and he told me mainly rockbass were biting. While trolling over the weeds he saw a nice opening. He tried it out, and WHAM!!! it took bait. He caught three small mouth bass in succession within 5min each. By the time his buddies figured out what was going on he was already on his second fish. The small mouth measured about 17.5" for the largest and the two other were smaller. When he got home and told me the story. I told him, Hey that might get an award for that size. He was happy to find out he qualified for O.F.A.H. Ontario Angler Awards.
  20. Yeah it does freak out, my canoe was mint clean before the pike. From the picture as you can see it is a mess. It slapped my legs a whole bunch a times. (Ankle socks = bad) My buddy was laughing at me the whole time.
  21. Thanks everyone, I am getting more into fishing this year and I hope I have more reports to show. Yeah it was tough handling the pike, I felt prickly teeth under the gills so I didn't know how to hold it up properly for a picture. I was scared my fingers get caught or cut.
  22. Took out my canoe this weekend to go fishing. It was my second time using a canoe. I don't have a boat so this is the next best thing. I shore fish most the time, and catch mainly panfish. I scored my first pike at simco. It was a tough fight, and I didn't really know what to do. And I didn't have a net with me. (Deciding on the folding Rapala net at canadiantire, any recommendations?) We improvised and scooped it out with a bucket. It was a fun experience since I've never caught anything big before. I didn't have a ruler with me but it was about 20-25 inches. It slipped off the hook just as it entered the canoe. We were lucky.
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