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    SW Ontario

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  1. Sure, anything for my "saviour".
  2. Now I know you are only supposed to post if you are going but Leslie and I are interested. Can you rent a boat there?
  3. Yeah, that is the real money shot. I'm working on my wife...she could so hardcore.
  4. Kesagami Lodge was featured in the summer issue of Ontario Out of Doors Magazine. Looks like Ramble On's mug is front and center!
  5. Naw you don't suck at fishing. General rule, the further north you go from an imaginary drawn across from North Bay to Sudbury, the better. A lodge far away from any town is nice. A lake with no road access is very good. A lake with no one else fishing it is best, don't forget to also ask about native fishing pressure. There is something to be said for flyins. The more fishing pressure a lake gets the harder it is to fish. Guys with boats and trailers from Toronto don't generally want to drive 8 hours north and spend the last 20 miles on crappy dirt roads. 2nd general rule, late spring-early summer, is the best time to go.
  6. Somebody looks happy!
  7. Get a grip buddy, you don't own the forum so what right do you have to tell me to do anything?
  8. -It's an event that hasn't happened in 125,000 years. -The larger trends seem to fall in 100,000 year blocks. -Three of the years with the greatest amount of ice melting has happened in the last 4 years. -If more ice melts we will be getting way beyond the regular parameters of the larger cycle. -If the whole Arctic ice cap melts, that would be an event that hasn't happened in 50 million years. The above is not "malarkey" so stop with the ridicule. Scientists can demonstrate these facts. When we look at these particular facts it creates one piece of evidence in the global warming case. Now if ever greater melting on north pole stops or reverses itself, then one could say the polar cap melting does not go beyond the extremes in variation. If on the other hand we see more melting we are getting beyond the extreme ranges of natural occurances. If it all melts, well then whoooaaa...something that hasn't happened in 50 million years has occured and that can't be explained by natural variation or causes. So lets drop the subject. Lets wait until next summer and see is this strong trend continues, stops, or reverses itself.
  9. That was the whole point of the initial post. It's an event that hasn't happened in 125,000 years. Natural cycles?....may be. We have little warming and cooling trends which we have blown past. The larger trends seem to fall in 100,000 year blocks. Are we going beyond that block of time? Three of the years with the greatest amount of ice melting has happened in the last 4 years. One can't deny that there is a very strong trend happening here and scientists predict that it will all melt in a generation, may be less time. If more ice melts we will be getting way beyond the regular parameters of the larger cycle. If the whole Arctic ice cap melts, that would be an event that hasn't happened in 50 million years. I just wanted to point this out. No need to debate this. It doesn't look like minds are being changed. Each summer gives us a new yardstick. Let's wait and see what happens. If I find data for other unique climatic events I'll post that too.
  10. I have been charmed....enchanted...bedeviled. You put a spell on me. What was I supposed to doing tonight? Some of us are always searching and it looks like you found Nirvana, and with your wife to boot! I thought you couldn't enter heaven as a couple. The Char ....the Char ...beaut photos...great narrative, detail...and then in the middle of the story, one great big belly laugh. Yeah, I read a paper about that recently in THe Journal of New England Medicine, seems that wallops of lard and ascorbic acid create a very toxic byproduct....I fully understand bro!
  11. That is a NICE fish and I don't see any blood on the fish. But NH's shirt and pants indicate a definite wound. Fish wound or NH wound?
  12. Simply I wanted only to bring to your attention to a climatic event that hasn't happened in over 125,000 years...perhaps longer. That was it, and I asked for no comment. But if we are discussing this then let me add my two cents worth. It is noteworthy if an event happens once in a lifetime. For instance the most powerful natural explosion in recent Earth history happened a hundred years when a meteor exploded above Tunguska Russia. The resulting explosion was estimated to be 1,000 times greater than the atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima. Scientists estimate that such a meteor will strike the earth every 100 years. Now magnify that time frame by 1250 percent out to 125,000 years. What would be the biggest meteor to strike the earth in that time frame? I'm guessing it would be a much more noteworthy and spectacular event. So the north pole is an ice island for the first time 125,000. Can this be explained by other possibilities?...sure but there probably is a reason this happened. Now how about if all the ice melts over the north pole? That hasn't happened in 50 million years. Can that be explained away. Well, it would get more difficult and for sure there has got to be a reason. How about if we have other climatic measurements which are just as noteworthy? Now you have a real problem explaining them away with climatic variables. There really has to be a catalyst for that. How do they build the case for global warming? They take these unique events such as the north pole being an ice island for the first time in 125,000 years, and they show there is significant change happening. They have done that and the theory which best fits all the change happening around us is global warming. Can you believe I actually did a science project on the coming ice age? I advanced to the regionals with that beaut. How did they make their case for that theory? That theory was based on patterns. The earth goes through natural warming and cooling phases. We are long overdue for a major cool phase. The pattern told us an ice age was imminent. Yet, there was no unique and significant climatic events to support this theory. See the difference?
  13. North Pole is an island for the first time in over 125000 years. We have had this debate, but I think it is important to bring new and unique climate events to light. I'm happy if no one posts and people simply draw their own conclusions. Compare the years 1979 and 2003 to the image of this year on the link provided below. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10...s.html?ITO=1490 The pictures, produced by Nasa, mark the first time in at least 125,000 years that the two shortcuts linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have been ice-free at the same time.
  14. Perhaps if you give us some background, it may actually help with the recovery of the dog. When, where, how, and what date did you lose this dog?
  15. That's gotta be one of the best reports so far. Stunning landscapes, loads of fish, different species, some real honkers....and lots of smiles. Good one on ya all: Drew, Dan, Rich, Pat, and Wayne. I gotta get to that lake.....
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