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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. It`s 127in long x 48in. Ski stance is 40in. Weight is 630lbs. Track is 20in wide x 156in long 1.25. It has a ripsaw track on it and very wide skis.

    It is very comfortable to ride. I don`t know what the HP`s of the engine,But it`s more then enough.

    It`s a great sled. You should get one. You will have no worries out there.

    I`m thinking of studding the track. But it will cost a small fortune too do it right.

  2. Thank you very much for the well wishes. I woke this morning with thinking,One year old and deeper in debt.Half way trough my coffee, It dawned on me, i`m not in debt.

    One of the great things about get older,you own every thing and not the bank. :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

  3. There is plenty to like. I think all three of the big North American manufacturers are making excellent trucks right now. Toyota trucks are not to be left out either, they are excellent. Hell, I even heard of some wierdo naming his dog after his Tundra. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:


    It is similar to outboards. Everyone brags about their brand of outboard and how they have never had any problems and they can do this because all manufacturers in the outboard business are making very good products.


    It has more too do with the quality of fuels and lubricants.Just in the last ten years there has been huge leaps and bounds in quality and advancements in thees fields.

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