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About snackpack5150

  • Birthday 11/09/1962

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    Big Gull Lake

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  1. Hello All, this year I have taken it upon myself to do all the winter stuff to my outboard myself, can anyone tell me where to purchase a hand pump assembly with the fitting for a Honda so I can replace the lower end gear oil ? I have seen them on Amazon and ebay etc. I am not in the mood to spend triple the cost for this item in shipping from the US. Thanks Ken
  2. Hello all, have a Princecraft 176 and the wood under the carpeted bow has begun to rot. Has anyone ever tackled this problem to replace and recover the wood, I also have a trolling motor bracket mounted on the bow. Looking for some advice should I try to purchase new carpet or use an alternative material? Ken
  3. Hello fellow members, I live in Eastern Ontario (amongst the trees and near the water),1.5 hrs north of Kingston. Here is my concern since I am off the beaten path and only a handful of people live around here in the winter full time someone is cutting down trees on Crown land. I have a feeling I know who it is but here is my question? Who would you advise/recommend I call to raise this issue. I would like to go and punch the guys lights out and take his chainsaw away but that kind of HURT would only last a few days and probably get me in more trouble than I need. Open for sugguestions Thanks
  4. Wow... I saw the name grassy river road and it brought back great memories. The last time I was there was 3 years ago. This would be a guys annual outing but somethings come to a end. The roads at the best of times are in good shape as they were still logging when we would go up. The only caution I could give is be careful in the spring as the beaver ponds seem to flood during the thaw and you get little rivers flowing over the road,we would head up 1st week or 2nd week in June so the roads were not to bad and we would drive in all the way to Lake Sinclair. When we started going there we would bring wood and supplies to make a camp and latrines and just leave stuff up the for the next group of people and this seemed to catch on and people would leave things like full canisters of propane(green bottles) and of course take the empties back. Never in my days going was there a issue of garbage. Good luck and I envy you have fun Ken If you give a call up to the Watershed they might be able to help you further 705 665 4911
  5. Thanks for the replies, I am not finished I did take photos and ID #'s of the trailers and plan to head back down this afternoon and shovel thier crap and place it on the steps of thier trailers.
  6. Just when you think you have seen it all.....first some insight to my RANT. Moved from Cambridge,Ont to the Land "o" Lakes area in Eastern Ont and live on Big Gull Lake. We have been here since last March and love it,when we first got here saw a few ice huts on the lake and would see guys out on snow machines,atv's etc things you would see when ice fishing of course. Well here we go.... last week the local REDNECK Society must have had a brainstorm and decided lets make a little settlement on BIG Gull Lake and do some fishing and other things like driving our dodge hemi's on the ice at night and do doughnuts and party. Well the convoy of old broke down duct taped trailers started to arrive Friday afternoon,night and Saturday. So if you can imagine you have your ice hut out on the lake it's peacefull you see 3 or 4 other huts spaced out on the ice and all of a sudden you have 13 full size trailers out on the ice and the only purpose for these things is to stay warm as they all have been gutted and woodstoves installed and to mix your drinks and store your booze and maybe some fishing equipment. We walk our dog every morning and this morning we had decided to take a walk out on the lake,well I would really hate to be sterotyped as a fisherman due to these jerks,I can't believe how people can leave so much garbage,beer bottles,cans,cups energy drink bottles,food wrapers just thrown on the ice/snow. To think I will want to fish this huge lake this spring and summer like thousands of others..but knowing what I see on the surface of the hard water will end up in the water once the thaw happens. I really don't understand this type of behaviour in some people I guess it's just plain boring to sit at home and have a few drinks and BBQ a few dogs with your buddy's...so instead lets load up the traliers and put them on the lake and who gives a rats ass of the mess,noise and overall distruction we do to everyones surroundings,oh I forgot they might try there hand at fishing...I DOUBT IT. Well that's my RANT
  7. So the question posed "this would make people think twice about calling emergency services when they're in trouble". How about thinking about what youre going to do prior to heading out. Would you launch your boat in a lighting and thunderstorm.
  8. I have used the old cut out at Long point not a bad launch and very close to the perch grounds. Hope this helps Ken
  9. Hi all and happy summer,I have a 2001 176 Princecraft and I am looking for 2 items,1st is a bait bucket for the baitwell, 2nd is a rear bench seat,any help would be appreciated. Thanks Ken
  10. A friend of the family owns a resort in Hastings called the Reel Retreat,I know for a fact that fishing on the Trent was good but the last time I was there..fishing was so so as we fish for pickeral. However if you want bass or pan fish you should have no problem. Good luck Ken
  11. Good Day all tight liners!!! Would anyone have any info on Big Gull Lake(2hours NE of Kingston) as for launching,species etc... Any info would be great. Thanks
  12. Hi All, Looking for a place where I can purchase wild game,ranging from venison,wild boar,quail and partridge. If anyone knows of such a spot please let me know Thanks
  13. Thanks for the info,can you tell me what the fee is for a four man hut? Ken
  14. Does anyone know of any ice hut operators in Dunnville I would like to try this area for Walleye,if some can steer me in the direction of one or more I would appreciate it. Thanks Ken
  15. Rick, I rescued my dog from the Barrie SPCA,they feed all the dogs and cats products from Nutram. Nutram is owed by Maple Lodge Farms and they use human grade chicken and lamb in their products. I spend roughly 60.00 a month on food and I ma feeding a 93lbs Malamute. You can get this type of food at Pet Value stores or Global ryan pet stores. Ken
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