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Everything posted by Carmen

  1. Good chuckle, nice one
  2. Nice report, never been there before but sounds like a nice place to go with the family and do the picnic thing. Where do you fish at the boat launch in the park?
  3. Those are some nice gators, well done
  4. Nice fish, good work
  5. I totaly agree Steve, go out there and enjoy the odd feast, it's like you said your not out there every weekend of the season eating your fill and it's good to hear 99 % of your catch went back. The ones we have to look out for are the guys who have zip-lock bags full in the freezer and you don't sound like that type. So good fishing and enjoy
  6. In all honesty I think you have to take the possession limit with a grain of salt. You should use your own judgment as a person who loves the sport but yet loves the odd tasty fish. Five specs of that size in a small water system are the grandpobas of the gene pool, very different from coming home with 25 perch or 50 crappie or even your limit of lake run rainbows. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep any, just use your judgment wisely. I'm allergic to fish yet I still purchase a full license, does that mean I don't keep the odd brookie, sure I do my dad loves them but I sure don't keep 5 everytime I go out. If I did it would be in excess of hundreds of specs per year. Just my two cents
  7. Thanx for the response Steve, if you need I have an asortment of detailed maps showing everything from creeks you can jump over to the big boys. I can send you copies if you want just say the word.
  8. Good work as usual Steve, don't want you to divulge your gold mind but maybe some insight to which watershed your fishing (Severn Sound,Willow Creek, Lower Nottawasaga, ?)
  9. Corn Nug we'll have to talk, my wife and I are expecting our own little fry in the next 5 to 7 days. Once I've recouped from that I think Steve you and I should strongly consider a get together. I'll be in touch once the new hatchling is up and swimming. Can you tell I'm an excited daddy. Hee Hee
  10. Good work, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it. Two outings back to back with great results. I'll gladly wear a blind fold if you want a partner for the day, I'm only 20 minutes south on the 400. I'm trying real hard can you tell Nice fish Steve
  11. Welcome to the board, good people here.
  12. Welcome, you'll love the board, they got a lot of good things happening on here.
  13. Brookie fanatics are a weird breed aren't we. I wouldn't mind bring the odd friend to some of my spots as long as you where a blind fold for the last 10 km before we get to the spot. Hee Hee
  14. Nice looking fish, good work!
  15. Congrats, my wife and I will be in the same boat as you in the next few days (due date June 19). We'll have to get together with the little additions and do some infant family fishing. All the best
  16. jjcanoe is correct, you can catch specs pretty much threw out all of southern Ontario, the tough job remains finding your own personal honey hole and of course not over fishing the resident population, it only take a few people to over take their limit and honey hole has now become a HOLE. My advise would be to invest in a topography map (only cost you a few bucks) and fish alot of the feeder creeks off any of the major water systems (Credit, Humber, Grand) You'll be surprised at how a small trickle of water can hold some nice size specs. Good luck
  17. That's way I love specs sooo much, they look like mother nature used every colour in her pallet to paint them. Nice fish, what they don't make up in size they surly make up in looks.
  18. It's been a few years but I've done really well off of Mara provincial park area. Mostly smallies but some nice sizes (4-5 lb). Good luck
  19. I've done a lot of spec fishing in the past 30 odd years everywhere from Algonquin to James B watershed to L Huron tributaries and I have to say those are some of the nicest Brookies within 20 min of Barrie that I've ever seen. I'm lucky enough to have a few honey holes within 5 min (less than 10 km) from my place in Caledon but the odd 12 incher is a rare bonus. Great work, enjoy
  20. Those are some nice fish, good outing boys
  21. Hi everyone, newbie to the board but I’ve been visiting for several months now and it seems like a great place to chat and exchange info. I’m from the Caledon area and enjoy all species but my true love is all types of trout (especially specs). I was going to join the board in the next couple of weeks because my wife and I are expecting our first little fisherperson in the next 7 days but after reading the post by “Steverowbotham” on Barrie specs I couldn’t resist. You guys & gals have a GREAT thing happening on this board, good for u.
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