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About 'Kota'sDad

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
  • Interests
    NW Ontario shield lakes (specifically,lake trout and walleyes).

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  1. Corn Huskers lotion. Apply liberally and rub it in until it's absorbed. Good stuff. Here in the states it's available in any drug store, but I don't know about north of the border. It's relatively easy to get on line.
  2. Commonly called a snap button. Google "snap button" and you'll see various models and types. They're readily available from on-line sources but a good hardware store may have them locally. I use them to fabricate my own net handles and have a bag in the garage with 6 or 8. How many do you need? Seriously, if you have any trouble finding them I'd be happy to try mailing you several.
  3. Great piece, Simon. Thanks for sharing it. (It should get posted over on WC, too!)
  4. I use Ortho's Weed-B-Gon and it is very effective. Will not harm the grass but gets weeds other than dandelions, too. It costs me about $14/gallon, but I have no idea what it is up your way. As others mentioned, thick, tall grass is key. I mow high compared to most folks, but it discourages the weeds and looks quite lush. Every day I go out to spray those two or three dandelions that have sprout their pretty posey, I ask myself if it's worth it since some of the neightbors have thos yellow carpets around their houses?!??!
  5. Any of the Cabelas GoreTex lines. Buy one size larger than normal so you can layer under it as necessary. Do not skimp on top quality rain gear if you're outside more than just running from the house to the car. Good rain gear is worth any six St. Croix rods bundled together!
  6. BassPro shops - http://www.basspro.com/Lindy-Worm-Blower/product/58678/ - or go to Lindy's site and order on line.
  7. Can_38, can't tell what motor you're working with but if it uses a shear pin, like the older small h.p. Johnsons, be sure you have several extras and always have one or two with you in the boat . . . . . plus a pair of pliers to remove that cotter key! If you do not have a dealer near where you can pick up several shear pins, just Google "outboard shear pin material". There is a variety of readily available matrials you can use to cut your own pins.
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