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Posts posted by Walleye72

  1. Something I do when I fish Gulp Twister Tails is to tip it with a worm as well. I know it sounds weird, but I saw a guy doing at the cottage we stay at every year and he was doing well, so I tried it and it worked. Also, I found stinger hooks were helpful with this setup.

  2. I sure as heck am!!!


    We're going to the tenth. Every time the game goes into extra innings, I'm reminded of the August 2014 19 inning game I listened to all day, into my picnic, and on the 1 hour drive home. They were getting ready to use a starter if it went to the 20th inning. They had used every pitcher in the bull pen if I recall correctly, although I had some barley pops on the picnic so....

  3. There was a tornado watch, which is one step down from a warning I think but it was windy as hell, lightning like crazy and the rain was falling in sheets. No damage here but I had put everything away pretty well.


    Sorry to hear about the damage to your stuff Ironmaker. That sucks!


    Hopefully insurance steps up to the plate.

  4. The Jays need a closer something fierce!


    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and ask Tom Henke (The Terminator) if I could borrow him for 3 months. I could put him back so as he wouldn't miss a game and we could rock the second half of this season. Didn't he have something close to 30 consecutive saves or something like that. Man that would be nice right now,. Why is it so hard to have all the pieces in place at the same time.

  5. You're probably right. I'm just remembering my parent's 18 footer that looked similar to yours. I think it was a 1972 - 1975 model year. My Dad would remember, and I think it weighed over 2000 lbs. I'll ask him. Not that it really matters. I was just curious is all.

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