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Posts posted by Walleye72

  1. I have a Weber Genesis NG grill that I bought in 2001. Every year in the spring I do my annual cleaning and maintenance on my grill. In April of this year, I observed that the burner has no noticeable degradation from the day I bought it. The starter still works on the 1st or 2nd push 95 % of the time.


    As for Webers being overpriced and overrated and being made of flimsy materials - I disagree. With the exception of their entry level grill - The Spirit, which is made in Asia, their grills are manufactured in the USA with some of the sturdiest materials available in their class. Napoleon and Vermont Castings grills are also very nice.


    I also have a Weber Performer Charcoal grill and I love using it as well.


    As far as limiting ones self to $400, I'd save up until I could buy a better grill. You won't regret it.

  2. Gibby being thrown out today was a joke. He barely said a thing. They think they're a bunch of big shots.


    And today's ump: his strike zone was all over the place. No consistency at all for either pitcher. I don't mind if an ump decides on a strike zone and sticks with it. Gonna be tight inside, fine. Gonna give a little. Okay. But be consistent. Today was all over the place. The only consistent thing was he screwed both sides.


    Don't mean to complain after we won, just saying the umps this year are driving me crazy a lot of the time.

  3. Well how about that!!!! A 2 to 1 win in the 10th vs the Yankees. Such a great game to watch. Had me on the edge of my seat for the whole game. An excellent outing by Dickie against the best team in the division. Who would have thought that back in June, although he has pitched great against the Yankees this year.


    Can't wait to watch tomorrow's game.

  4. So, a few years back my guys 8 man fishing trip was in Benoir Lake which is part of the Elephant Lake / Baptiste Lake group of lakes. We were all outside on the deck overlooking the lake having a coffee and shaking off the cobwebs of the night that was when a noise started from the front of the cottage and began getting louder. It sounded like a lawnmower at first and progressed to sounding like a dump truck when suddenly what I assume was a hercules water bomber for fire fighting flew directly over the cottage at what felt like 10 feet but was probably 50 feet. Massive majestic thing had 8 men standing their with their mouths wide open. It felt like I could have reached up and grabbed it.


    I don't know enough about the area to know if they train for that on that lake system why exactly it was there but it was awesome!

  5. This will most certainly be an interesting final 50 games or so.


    I heard a stat last night that blew me away! In games where the Jays scored 3 or fewer runs, they were 4 and 37. I didn't know it was that skewed.


    Now when I'm watching the game in the 7th inning with only a few runs on the board, I'm not so worried it'll fall apart.

  6. Okay it`s showtime kids.


    Excited to see David Price on "our" mound this afternoon. If we can win this series, we will have a jump on that wild card. Who knows, if it all comes together, and Hutch can pitch well, we might even give New York a run for their money in the division. And we still play them quite a lot of times this season.

  7. Awww! Such a shame. I admit that I did watch WWF in the 80's when I was coming of age. I haven't watched wrestling in forever.


    I really liked the movie he starred in called "They Live". I'm not sure if it would hold up today but I really liked it back then.



  8. Yep, most members on the board will be familiar with the info in that Consumer Reports post.


    What gets me down is the number of people not familiar with small engines, (I'm no pro but I read a lot about it) who look at me like I have 3 heads when I suggest not leaving half a tank of fuel in their mower and putting it to bed for the winter.


    "It'll be fine, it always starts".


    "Okay, good luck."


    Nasty Look.


    Why did I bother? I never learn.

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