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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. Oil is bought by speculators on the world markets. All current indications are pointing that the price for oil will remain low for a while. Until the world economy is out of recession, demand will remain lower around the world. In the past, when OPEC says they are going to restrict supply, the price always is driven up by those same speculators. When the US states it's oil and gas reserves, if they go down then the price of oil also rises. For the past few months, OPEC has tried to stabilize the price of oil by announcing cutback on production, but they've had no effect...it keeps dropping. Same with US reserves...nothing seems to be stopping this slide right now.


    Gas prices will always be variable, but I think you are safe for the holidays....it may go up a little, but nothing like what we saw this past summer.

    thanks, if it stays till mid jan below 75cents ill be a happy camper, the cost is a huge portion of the trip's budget, i suppose ill just blow the money on boxing day sales anyway! ill have to hit romakos tackle up there

  2. will it stay this low or like me and the wife have being thinking maybe time to go get a couple hundred worth for the holidays? we'll be going to sudbury from guelph and driving around alot in the silverado usually 2-3 tanks and when we get home its empty again...think this price will last till boxing day/new years?

  3. iam thinking that too, xl arms and legs are always too long , and you know how each manufacture size is a little different, i tried the FXR float suit at royal distributing and large was ok, not sure where i can find helly hanson to try on, but ill be heading to crappy tire to investigate he float suit there this morn..ill let ya know

  4. when i look at this i see it as a prime example of minding your own buisness. i bet the guy next door pee'd this person off and they said OH YA il get you you son of a.................ya what you guna do EH ...................................ILL DO THIS.

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