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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. I inspect parts for GM and want them to fall, if you think they are quality parts you are nuts or work for GM. Pretty much every part on 2009's V-8 engines have had something wrong with them at one point or another this year. Thats just there motor... Little things like hinges can't even be made right. They are made in Niagara Falls Canada. The weather stripping made in welland is being sent away cause they can't do there jobs. I won't name the companies. Nothing is made by GM all they do is put the car together so how is it a GM vehicle? Alot of parts come from Mexico aswell, some from Poland, Germany and so on. How is that a North American made car? So there is your quality.. If they actually made a quality vehicle my opinion would be different on the bail out...

    I agree with the statement of" if they actually made a quality vehicle my opinion would be different on the bail out"

    i own a silverado 4x4 and if i was to list the problems i've had my hands would cramp from typing, i agree and disagree with many comments but i cant comment on all,keep the opinions and comments comming just respect others feelings on the topic, may not be fishing but alot of fisherman drive these cars and or work for these car makers or part makers.. lots of passion in the comments.

  2. I highly doubt an auger will be an issue, and hopefully huts wont be of the upmost importance, ive being ice fishing for the day many times without a hut, ill loan my auger for holes, i can bring a propane heater or 2 and a bbq and i can shuttle some people from parking to gathering spot not everyone but if we all pitch in this can happen cheap and easy, and hopefully not too far from shore..now the only real issue is washroom facilities, again if we pull together perhaps a tent with porta pots or something for the ladies and young ones and guys that ate too much fich and chips...ummm grease! oh we need to pray to the snow gods for a nice sunny day that will make or break this gathering.

  3. last year was 18th i think its 16th feb this year..............i vowed to take my kids ice fishing every year since it was a new holiday we hadnt anything to do so now i hope we can keep this up and they;ll follow for years to come, family day = ice fishing

  4. well iam with you 100% and used to just get down right rude after packing and the trip up 69/400 to sudbury, we go(wife,2 boys 12 and 6 and myself,and da'dog) every long wk-end since may24th/1999 we go april.may,july long,aug,labour day,thanks givin,and x-mas ,all i can really say is save your self he agrivation and leave saturday morn at 3 or 4am i get into sudbury in 4.5 hrs and stop in parry sound at mc'don's when the kids wake up around 7ish then finish the jouney to sudbury. after we get to camp and get a little settled dad heads off for a little cat nap then iam good to go for the wk-end...when we leave its the same i pack night before in morn get the kids in the truck and head off early 4am or so....you miss all that friken traffic....and may i recommend you and your family try a new spot each time, iam sure the first one you guys go to will be just great but you'll never know how good the next lodge is you dont try it out. try this great fishing hole/lodge http://www.sportsmanslodge.net/Default.aspx

  5. Now is the perfect time to buy that Hummer you've always wanted. Bank the difference in gas savings and apply it to your repair bills when GM folds and there is nobody there to perform your warrenty work.

    Everybody wins! :wacko:

    Then you loose your job and cant make the payments....................

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