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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. no reason tobe insulted at all


    lets see

    everything turns out good in the end for those who put thier trust in god

    are you saying stuff wont turn out good for me if i dont put my trust in god???? not insulting at all


    danbo .....you deny your creator he will deny you? no comment


    those of you that choose only to believe in yourself, you have a tough role to fill.. oh really lol



    can you say brain washed or what?

    as biteme said if you can say those comments i can say mine



    would it bug you if i said

    everthing turns out good for those that worship the devil?? and put their trust in the beast? is it ok if i go saying this?

    or those of you that choose to believe in some imaginary friend, will have a tough role to fill? hell no i cant go around talking like that now can i ? nobody else should either... keep the god stuff to yourself or ill start saying may the devil bless your little heart.......

  2. I dont regret my belief

    not a stand as an agressor just taking a stand

    freewill and all

    Im getting tired of hearing it day in and day out

    being a non believer pretty much dooms you to being a leper

    I will bend over backwards to help pretty much anyone

    I do care and i will carry on always it is just the way im wired

    if im in a foxhole i will keep shooting

    if i were to have my tagline as godless and proud of it would'nt that just go over like a lead balloon

    everyone needs something to believe in and it just happens to be me and my fellow humans

    And I do wish everyone a very safe and merry christmas

    Peace out

    :clapping: i like the tagline idea,iam with you.

  3. I like the God part of the show. Does not offend me at all.

    Would it bother you if during my fishing show i took a minute to slip in a speech about the almight head of cabbage that i pray and worship too? ummmm that would be a no , i am sure you dont want to here about how this head of cabbage has changed my life and if you accept this head of cabbage your life will change too....it's a fishing show not gods fishing edge by AL? now i really want you to know i like Al and have watched the show, however like i said. If i thought cabbage was my lord would you want me to talk about it during a fishing show and say you should embrace my head of cabbage into your life? you'd think i was a NUT. stick to the fishing and keep your religous thoughts to yourself.. oh by the way i was raised roman cath. alter boy when i was a kid, church and religion thru school years , and no i do not practice, nor do i force my kids to believe in almighty head of cabbage.....back to fishing talk.. :Gonefishing:

  4. you can do the battery disconnect as many times as you want , sooner or later it'll just keep comming back on untill the problem is fixed, why not grab the code and see what it is? ive read bernie's posts many times about vehicles and have yet to see him type a word that wasnt true in regards to automotive repair, my older brother,father and his brother(uncle) and myself are all licenced mechanics in heavy equip,class A and truck coach, i can never comment on a auto request cause bernie just hits the nail on the head each time leaving zero room for a remark from moi.

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