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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. LOL the wife walks in today, hi hun just got back from crappytire and i tried this sample of coffee wow was it good! ...she plop's down the little flyer/coupon on my desk...guess what the make and model was.. :rolleyes:

    needless to say after she said you have to use bottle water or buy a water softner i kicked her out of my office...enough needless spending already.gawd dont you know we are in a recession! besides i gots to buy me a new moose gun and more fishing gear martha...gheese

  2. Thanks guys, I am already working on it and have included "reading The water" as a major part of it... teaching people where to look for those fish and how to properly use current to your advantage when presenting the bait... keep the ideas coming guys...



    I think that this topic would be great , anything on flowing water and how to read and use eddies,touch on fast current and where the flow slow's down also would be great..... your secret baits, tips and tricks wont hurt! cant wait .. i'd be more interested in eyes than SMB

  3. Conversely Jen you also may find that "Bob" is entirely up to date with all the latest information and tools and training.

    They also may have better technicians too. At the dealership level they usually work only on one brand of vehicle and they often have the same or similar issues. Makes it repetitive and some of them develop "parts changer" attitudes. Whereas in the aftermarket technicians are often diagnoses experts. I often have conversations with local dealerships that get off brand trade ins or repairs calling me for help. But to be honest it works both ways. I do call them as well if I think they can help.


    :clapping: BINGO


    Iam class A mechanic only worked at small shops never worked at a dealer but you can tell a dealer only mechanic from a small shop mechanic anyday

    my older brother truck coach mechanic only worked at a dealer-has the change that broken part attitude

    my father is heavy equipment mechanic worked everywhere and on just about everything, that guy can FIX the root problem and it wont happen again

    me i break everything i touch it seems ^_^

  4. we did a group test at the cottage, the guy showed up we all sat around the fire while he walked around and behind us pointing at the wrong questions over our shoulder,lol............ then is was an open test read-a-long to see if anyone wasnt clear on any questions (cough-cough). the older chap hopped into his boat and off he went to another cottage! got the card in the mail at a later date so did my wife

    i heard we all passed nobody failed.15-20 of us...but thats just what i heard , this was in summer of 2002 . cant recall the cost...or the test.?

  5. call the CIB canadian insurance bureau and they will make a few phone calls and your insurance company will call back saying it will be covered, it is covered under PL/PD have now pulled close to a dozen out and all have been covered 100% by insurance. (quote from a friend)






    so covered or not by insurance?

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