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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. How far is Guelph form BPS??

    Took me about 45-50 min from guelph, i went to see the trophy trailer and a few tank seminars,bob suzuki as my 12 yr old keeps calling him was there..spend couple bills on nothing..lol hats,shirts,stickers,key chain,hat fish hook was 4.99 each??? get'r'done!! I bought a bigger tackle box plano 7271, couple sling shots for the boys,lol mom didnt like that one. and to think i only wanted camo suspenders for hunter outfit and they didnt even have any! those bradley smokers sure do look good tho, maybe next time.

  2. sad news rick sorry to hear, my father had a kidney transplant 1 year anniversary in sept 08, unfortunately it took a young lady to loose her life in order for my father to continue. we really need more organ donation in ontario. please look at a loved one in the eyes and say you want to be an organ donor if you were to perish. they may have the final say.

  3. my camp is up the vermillion river, i have mostly only fished vermillion lake/river in the last 10-15yrs , thats the only place i go every long wk-end, as walleyjigger said already loads of pike , big ones are hard to get tho. pic in my avatar is vermillion lake labour day wk-end 7am cant see a darn thing just hear the boats buzzing around!! lol

    a longtime friend of mine and our family placed fifth last year at vermillion, i wouldn want to go up against him he knows the lake and gear , there was 97 teams in 08

  4. i bought one in the fall and it was a serious pain getting all the maps and such loaded on it, even a computer god cant figure it out. only took 3 of us about 4hours to get it working. but after that mine has worked great.

    ahhh soooo true, i gave up tring to load the maps not enough patience.

    still have the maps and the hand held gps sitting in the box's anyone want it! lol

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