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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. I sold my rental property due to many many many issues over the years with tenants, my advice is to not bother, invest elsewhere, the headache isnt worth it, I paid the morgage on 2 houses many of times, not to mention, i couldnt find a tenant for 3 mths. guess who pay's for it, that last time it went empty I just sold it ,made a nice chunk of cash and ran, never to return to the horrors of landlord.. beware and keep at least 3mths mortgage in the bank for when your tenant screws you over if you do go that route! good luck

  2. TIP -write out the ad on microsoft word and save it, when you want to post it anywhere just pull up the ad from word and copy and paste.

    this way you can delete the ad and repost without having to re-write it every time it gets to page 20, or if you want to post it in other cities, just cut , paste and post it.



  3. Well due to a lame may long wk-end, we headed to sudbury area to a river called vermillion , caught a hell of a buzz and only one small eye :Gonefishing: , due to the river being high and the faster than normal current fishing well ,just sucked! Snow saturday morn. :sleeping_02: didnt go over well with the children with the snow but then came sunday and everyone was happy again :thumbsup_anim: , iam sure you can read many a stories about the lame may long wk-end cold front that killed the fun for us from other members so ill skip , who's in charge of the holiday dates anyway, if they can move easter to april cant they put may long to last wk of may...geeez

    Anywho..got myself thinking i need a new tattoo, off i headed to the parlour, ok my buds house,

    He free handed a tattoo on my virgin skin arm, dont see that too often no stencil here. after many a pop and my other friend risti a newb on this board helping out we departed for home with catch of the day! :ph34r:


    cheers all.


  4. Personally, I wouldn't use 20lb flouro with 50lb braid, or flouro at all with 10lb mono. That doesn't mean I'm right.


    I do use 8, 10 or 12lb flouro (18-30 inches long) when jigging for walleye with 15-20lb test braid. Sometimes I will use mono leader instead of flouro for this application. We are talking open water walleye fishing after all.


    Flouro is more dense and not as elastic as mono so it sinks more quickly and doesn't "give" as much.


    If I'm using 50-80lb braid for musky then my flouro leader would be of a similar or higher pound test, not lower.



    2 cents worth? :dunno:

    now thats what iam looking for ,,,thanks ;)

  5. I guess you posted this here because you figured that an OFNer (or group of) did this???



    This is nothing new, we've seen this in all parts of the world!


    ... how much of it did you pick up or destroy?.. if you left it laying there, you're no better than the person that dumped it!!! <_<



    sorry GCD but i did my job i called it in,iam sure they'll pick up the mess not me.

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