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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. Its funny how they can make a show when they personally haven't caught any fish and show fish being caught.

    Its even more hilarious to see everyone of them catching fish on the same fishing rod??!!. Now how would ya figure that could happen.. :dunno: . Community fishing rod I guess..... :whistling:

    They still don't know how to catch whitefish!.... :lol: and they're easier than Bass..






    whats funny is how your trying hard to turn an announcement into bash the fishtv guys thread <_<

  2. a cow is a cow meat is meat. my wife says she finds it much cheaper to fill the cooler with stuff when we get there, we drive 4.5,5hrs one way to sudbury area. at that time i get some beer and ice, and she hits the little stores in chelmsford ,besides my wife likes shopping , so stopping at a new store even so she can peek in is somehow exciting to her?? i dont get it.

    now go paint the porch!

  3. No arguement George... just stating there's no law against it. Ie the OPP or Coast Guard cannot fine/charge you for having a 300 Verado on a 275HP rated boat. Marina may have a rule for themselves to avoid any liablity issues at their end and the insurance company... I have a First Mate package and their only issue before writting coverage was whether the boat could do more than 50 MPH and I said no it's too darn heavy and the writter said that's what he thought as well! B)



    lol iam sure it'll go faster than 50mph wayne!


    but once you add all your gear and danno plus yourself its a different story! :)

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