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Everything posted by njones

  1. We get big shoals of mackerel off the UK. We usually fish with about 4 feathered jigs on a fairly heavy line, when they are biting, they come up 4 at a time, but if you spin for them on light tackle they fight like crazy, like a miniature tuna, which I think they are related to Flounder are bottom huggers, but I think they have that delicate taste, like walleye.
  2. I,ve got a fibreglass kayak myself, and I've been thinking along similar lines. It's a simple and workable solution. The only thing I might add would be drilled metal plates either side of the bolts to spread the load. It isn't nice having to worry about tipping over with a child in the boat, so it's a great idea. Neil
  3. You have no idea how easy a trip is, especially from Toronto to the regional airports. You could fly in to Glasgow, hire a car and drive to the west highlands. You could fly to Manchester, and in 2 hours be in the Snowdonia National Park Then drive on to Holyhead, a beautiful place in itself, then get a ferry over to Dublin. Fly in to Newcastle, and see Durham don't all turn up at once though, then see the wild and historic coast up as far as Edinburgh, where you could even fly back from Edinburgh airport. Fishing can be organised in advance, especially sea- fishing is easy.
  4. If you come up the east coast to cross over towards Edinburgh,drop in for a cup of tea and a pee. I'm only a couple of minutes off the Durham turn off.
  5. That's not a pike, it's a kayak with a custom paint- job
  6. Just before I came over in May, I spotted this in a sort of Giant Tiger store, and brought one over You could easily make one with a 1-9 from a pack of playing cards and a couple of dice. You set them up and throw 2 dice. Whatever it is, you flip down any combination,1, 2 or more to count out the score. Keep playing till you can't count out any more, then you let the next person go. Any unused numbers go on to your score' get to 45 and you are out. Try it out, my buddies at the cottage all asked for one to be mailed over, after 30 minutes, they were all hooked. Great for beery nights with the boys, and with the kids Play it for quarters, try to win their pocket money back Played Washers when I was over, can anyone tell me the rules, too much beer when we played it, would like to try it over here.
  7. Just had a call from my buddy 10 minutes ago, Weather up at the cottage crazy hot, but the lake is cool, and the smallies are biting. Wish I was there. They were telling me about the Ottawa Bluesfest, awesome Van Morrison and a great set from Ricky Paquette, as soon as they get back to Ottawa, I'm getting a signed cd sent over, if you haven't seen him, check him out, 17 years old, plays as good as Clapton.
  8. Any of you guys fish up that way? I've been up there 3 times now with my buddy who's got a cottage up there, and I've lots of happy memories. Never caught any big ones, but I've enjoyed every minute. Love to listen to you guys, brings it all back, can't get back till next summer, now, but I love all the photos. I'll try my buddy, see if he fancies a couple of days charter on a BIG lake next time. The fish I see on this site are awesome. Could you slip the leash, English, next year arond end of May?
  9. Had to bully my Ottawa buddies into coming, But I think they enjoyed it in the end, Don't be worried you can't afford it, costs are around the same, you just need a plan, what you want to see, it's a much smaller countrty so things are packed closer, but you won';t believe how much countryside we have got, outside of the cities. Durham city, the cathedral Anyone who wants more, just PM me. Be happy to help. Neil
  10. Come visit us ! You can get so much help and advice. Don't listen to these tours, some of the best parts to see aren't on the bus tour routes. The only way to see the UK is pick an area and just see that. If you live in Toronto, You can get to many regional airports, Air Transat and Canadian Affair do fares from $500 return, any Brits on this site would be happy to advise. My area around Durham has so much scenery, history within a 2 hour drive, you wouldn't believe it!
  11. I'm a plumber, so i thought I'd show these pictures, orignally there was a farm here to supply Durham Cathedral with food plus a hospital for the poor. Built in the 1100's ad, but remodelled in the 1300's, this gatehouse is now 2 apartments, I was just called in to do a small repair. It's awesome to be able to walk around a place that's 700 years old Check out the walls, 3ft sold stone walls
  12. Lovely fish, bass are my favourite scrappers. Wish I had the time and money to visit Canada more than once a year.
  13. Saw that joke yesterday on an English site. Tomorrow it'll be in Australia The world- wide web was created for porn and bad jokes
  14. Hi, just got back from a trip to the Isle of Man. It's halfway between Ireland and England. My wife is half Manx, so it isn't really a fishing trip, I had to reward her for letting me slip the leash and fly over to Canada to fish Temagami with some buddies from Ottawa. Just before we left, I bought an inflatable kayak and a tiny fish- finder, so I was just trying it out. We went to a small bay, light onshore breeze so it was perfect. Paddled out on the right side of the bay, checked the sonar, 20 ft and fish passing underneath. Caught some lovely Pollack around 2lbs, they are a really lively fish, fight like crazy, had the rod bent double. Brought them back in a keep- net, ran up the beach and asked my wife to take some pics before I released them When I tried to see them, she hadn't pressed the button hard enough. Fished off the harbour wall as well. Not too good this time, 2 seals have moved in and they frighten a lot away. Got a few though when they weren't looking. Caught some Ballan Wrasse and some smaller pollack, all good scrappers. Caught them on scallop frills, if you ever see scallops in their shell, when you clean off the white meat, the rest can be wound around the hook, it's really tough, so the fish can't get it off easily, killer bait . I really enjoyed the kayak, it's very limited, only safe close in, no offshore wind or waves, tipped over once, so no loose gear and make sure you're close enough to swim home if you have to, but how else can you get fishing with a bag the size of a large flight bag, in the trunk of your car, in 10 minutes, from any place where you can park near a lake or river? The island is a magical place, so much history. They have the oldest continuous goverment in the world, a 1,000 years. It is a British protectorate, but has it's own laws etc. Up till the 60's, any crime like vandalism, assault etc was punished by caning, so no graffiti there Any bikers should have heard of the TT. They close off roads around the island to form a 37 mile circuit of very small, 2 lane country roads, and for a week they race. Speeds of 120 mph+. Sunset from our apartment window
  15. Hi, I've got the pentax Optio WP. Paid $200 for it and it takes great pictures. Haven't taken it snorkelling yet, but I had it in the kayak a couple of days ago, in the sea, and turned over and had to swim ashore. It was fine. Here's my best picture taken in the red sea of a puffer- fish, not with this camera though.
  16. They make great hats though
  17. Hi, Im on holiday next week in England, and i saw a great deal for an inflatable kayak, then another deal at a supermarket for an amazing lightweight sonar, 40 bucks! I'm going to try shock- cording a box in front of me ( if the yak is stable enough). You guys have done a lot more of this type of fishing, any thoughts on the subject?
  18. Coming soon to a lake near you Watch out for "friendly fire" and "collateral damage" They seem to be good at that
  19. Try to google shakespeare fishing uk. They have a great selection of telescopic spinners, many of them around 20 bucks. You must be able to get them through a Shakespeare stockist over in Ontario. I like them, they aren't fancy, but they catch fish.
  20. Hi, I'm living in England, and there is a good selection here. I've been thinking about it, if you went for a tele, to fish offshore, maybe a light spinner anything up to 8-12 ft might be better, at least you can cast a lure further out if you want to. I like to look at Lebaron's site and you can get Shakespeare rods. They are the best you can get for cheap, my 8 ft must be 10 years old, and still catching.
  21. Hi, I've got a few telescopics because I only fish on holiday. They go from 6ft spinner to a 12ft for casting in saltwater. I used my spinner in Canada a few weeks ago and it worked great. You can get them in a small rucksack, so it should be what you need. I always take them with me in my luggage, it can mean the difference between fishing and standing on the jetty, watching. They can be so cheap, what can you lose?
  22. Hi,mate, good to see you're enjoying the site. I was telling English in an e- mail that I'm going to the Isle of Man next wedneday. It's an island halfway betwwen England and Ireland, I'm hoping to fish off the jetties and even try to get a boat out to do some sea- fishing. It's a lovely place and I'm looking forward to it Though what chance have you got when there's a line of seals along the jetty, waiting for someone to catch a fish? You haul like crazy and you're lucky to haul out a pair of lips on your hook.
  23. Hi, there, I see you're talking about me. I'm Neil, the buddy English was talking about. I was over in Ottawa in the first week of June, heading up to Lake Temagami for a week with 8 Canadians. Second time up there, weather not as good as last year, Caught northerns, lakers and walleye drank a lot of beer and rum. Stayed with Rick (used to be at Ketchn'any Lodge, now sold it and started up Wishn'you were fishin) really great guy, and his cabins are the best, even a hot tub. Also he keeps some 13 footers for hire on back lakes so you can portage in with a small outboard. After a week up there, it was back to Ottawa for some fishing on the river and some good Canadian hospitality, plenty of beers and barbecues. Looking forward to next year.
  24. Hi! I'm living in England, but I have a buddy in Ottawa, and last year I was invited on a boys trip to Temagami, 8 of us in 2 cabins, and I'm coming over in a couple of weeks to do it again. It's a beautiful place, I couldn't tell you where to fish, but some of our guys are regulars up here and we had some awesome fishing, but others drew a blank. I wouldn't like camping up there, unless it was inside an oil- drum, JEEZ the black- flies were out! We stayed at Ketch-un-Eny lodge, very nice. We caught fish every day, I held the record with a 4lb walleye, till a 4lb 2 oz sacrificed itself for Canadas honour in the last 5 minutes of the trip It'll be my 5th trip to Canada, and I'm looking forward to it.
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