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Posts posted by Riparian

  1. Braid doesn't cast as far as Mono does. For a first time baitcaster, I'd definitely recommend mono over braid. I've been using a baitcaster for years and there are still times when there is no way in hell I'm getting that backlash out. Mono is also cheaper for the first time user to learn on :)


    Also what are you guys mostly fishing for? I usually use a 6 or 8lb mono, 20lb braid at most for anything I fish for. I wouldn't want to cast 17lb mono on a baitcaster, especially that Curado 200DSV the OP posted about...


    If you are most fishing bass and pike from the shore, 8lb should be more then enough with a decent leader. If you want to try the braid, 20lb at most (6lb mono diameter). Make sure you setup the reel for different weighted lures, it will make a big difference when you go to cast it...


    I was under the impression that the use of higher lb test in baitcasters was due to the mechanics of the reel? and that lighter lines are better suited for spinning gear?

  2. I don't understand the merit in posting pictures of dead and blood soaked deers and moose hanging upside down.


    I mean its not the same as posting a fish meal...its a little more "graphic".


    Then again I don't hunt nor plan to.


    You are reading a hunting and fishing message board. Please do not search for such things if they upset you.


    They manner in which the deer was killed is no less graphic than the same manner fish are for the table. Its just easier for you to stomach.


    Nice deer outdoorsman.

  3. Most steelhead fishermen are a slightly strange breed. They are highly protective of their fishery which is a limited and increasingly stressed resource. That's why you'll find 99% won't post on internet boards....


    Here in Ontario rivers are getting increasingly crowded. Part of the solution to spread the numbers around would be for more Ontario fishermen to utilize the US fishery. Outstanding fishing in New York State and not such a long drive. Some of the bigger Erie tribs are amazing. What I'll do next week is get together a detailed summary of access to the better NY rivers with clear directions from Ontario. I'll also give the scoop on licenses and directions to some but not all the best access points. You'll have to work a bit of it out for yourselves ;)


    I would encourage local fishermen to check out some of these rivers. I'm here to share which is what these boards should be all about and forgive me in advance if I don't post details of a couple of my favorite on my doorstep rivers :whistling:


    Thats not what DMASSE was implying. He wasant accusing you of not telling us where you catch trout.


    'nuff said

  4. No skin off my teeth if you get eaten by a bear in your sleep or you food gets eaten by a bear while your away from your camp.


    I was simply asking if there were other more experienced people who do not bother to hang food packs. i wasant asking if it is a good idea not to hang a food pack.


    my knowledge is only limited by my youth, not my location.

  5. If you look at the original post you will see the person is from Southern Ontario and camping in the Back Country. I had assumed this was the Back Country as refered to in Algonquin. I have never called or heard of anyone calling some random bush up north the Back Country.


    Sorry guys, but my definition of back country includes random bush up north. Just because I live in southern ontario dosent mean I exclusivley camp in algonquin.


    I guess I should have said "crown land" or "northern Ontario". I use the term "park interior" for areas not in the highway 60 corridor.

  6. What I dont get is... if your barrel or pack is air tight and the purpose of hanging is so the bear cant smell the food... then whats the difference? Its not like bears cant smell YOU after all. If its hungry and smells you as a "food" then it dosent matter if the bear cant smell the food in the barrel/bag.

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