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About Rodwrap

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  • Location
    N.W. PA
  • Interests
    rodbuilding ( RodCrafters since 1975), fishing, cooking BBQ

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. I cut a small tract in the early 90's that hadn't been cut in 70 years. 4-6 huge red oaks on each stump. That job yielded 38% veneer, best quality job I ever cut, & it was paying $6/bd. ft then.
  2. figured I'd better USE some wood today, trying out a new rub..
  3. we are the Black Cherry capitol of PA...i was a logging contractor in the 80's -90's & Cherry veneer went for up to $8/ board foot. We'll not likely ever see that price again. (China found a way to stain red maple to look like cherry), Cherry now is maybe $2/bd.ft. There are 2 large bucks on this 150 acre plot, one a nice 10pt, but, when I see him, the loud-mouth (named Sassy) barks before I can snap a pic. Since being logged, there are a TON of grouse here tho...
  4. dang stink (lady) bugs...too dang nice out for November..suks!! LET-R-SNOW !! I have TONS of wood for the stove and smokers lots of cherry, ash, oak, beech, hard & red maple,,, pile 1: pile 2; pile 3: pile 4: I've been pulling trees out with my ol' Tahoe: beech tree: 80 ft cherry: course, the dog has to get in on it.. cherry loaded: there's tons more to get out..150 acres worth: so...we are working on ..."The Beast"..front winch & rear grapple..should be a fun winter playing in the snow!!
  5. I'm about to 'suffer" every guys nightmare. after 41 yrs. at managing a bowling center, I will be unemployed come April, 2016..at the age of 59! That industry is suffering a huge drop-off in popularity, but, I'm tired of putting up with people cryin' the blues hour after hour because they are getting older too, and can't score high anymore. if they do good, it's cuz they're good...if they bowl bad, it's cuz I screwed the lane conditions up. I plan on helping a friend tend oil/gas wells, which will not require me to see humans all day long.... and spending more time at my custom rodbuilding shop
  6. Christmas presents for my niece & her boyfriend...trout rods for Washington state...MHX blanks: thet were just 'smitten'
  7. I paid US $1.89 Sat. for a case...9 racks.. at Sam's Club
  8. Storm here Thursday..now it's melting, and, of course, my smokers are under HEMLOCK trees..... as in trees drop snow bombs down my neck Soooo... I decided to do a WHOLE CASE of ribs on the UDS...it went a little slower cuz I'm a dam rockhead & insist on using wood chunks instead of charcoal! this is a COLD job done outside! Got 'em pulled, trimmed, & rubbed ( all work done outside!) There are 9 racks in there... It took almost 7 hrs ...but I ..Got-r-done.. now I can watch the Cowboys ( choke.choke) with the wife & dogs...and nibble on the sliced trim from the racks
  9. I have the 24V i pilot/link. The BEST $$ ever spent..especially since I fish alone most of the time. I couldn't run downriggers without it...
  10. If it starts easy & runs good....priceless !
  11. Pretty day: Winterized the boats, mowed lawn, And smoked our Sunday Dinner...Turkey breast, chestnut stuffing acorn squash,along with taters/gravy, & my OWN bread machine recipe .. . / my last Sunday off for a while
  12. Loos like a ton of fun. So, what did you talk to the dog about for 2 days????
  13. out "spawning" in the moonlight Those days ( nights) are over..
  14. I bought a 24V-80lb terrova I-pilot link last summer for my Grumman I/O..I'm in love all over again!
  15. My fleet of smokers..2 UDS, (ugly drum smokers, & Ol' Nellie, a homemade horizontal... But, I get visitors now & then...
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