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Everything posted by silverstreak

  1. Tibbs Save your money. I used to belong to the Ganny club for many years and quite for 2 reasons. The main reason I quite was because the crowds were just as plentiful and the price kept going up year after year. Like a few have already mentioned.....there are some great places to fish mostly away from the crowds but you'll have to do some leg work.
  2. Hi Tibbs I can help you out a bit!!!! I have been steelheading more years than I can remember and still can't get enough of it. Before you set out on the steelhead path, I think it is only fair to warn you that steelheading can be addictive so let that be your first little bit of advice. As for catching steelhead.....my advice to you is to take the time to learn everything you can about steelhead behavior.....this means Reading everything you can about where they are and when.It also means learning which baits to use when. There are a number of Great books and mags out there which will help you with your steelhead quest. I would recomend books that discuss steelhead behavior throughout the Autumn, winter and spring months. Believe it or not, steelhead will locate in different river sections during certian parts of the yr.Again this all relates back to steelhead behavior. You can also learn alot about steelheading by just being on the river fishing and by watching others. Sometimes the best teacher is experience itself. As for baits.....I am partial to artificials as I have had great success with them over the years. Some of my fav's are steelhead Jigs (MAKE sure they are on quality hooks) Pink worms and various othe plastic presentations (see pic). Egss also work well however not always.To be honest I do not like steelhead eggs as I am a catch and release fisherman.Salmon eggs are good also and you can preserve them to last a long time. Now untill the end of May is when you will find the spring steelhead runs. I would encourage you to head upstream in a few weeks to watch the spring steelhead spawn. It's a great way to learn a little more about steelhead. Hope this helps you out a bit Tibbs. Remember..... Never stop asking yourself questions when it comes to steelhead fishing. Entering my third decade of steelheading - I always hope to have more questions than answers. Happy Learning.
  3. I thought landing a few bow's was fun enough but was pleasently surprised to hook into this bonus Brown. Fish hit a white and red Riverwood jig. Any thoughts on why this Brown was mixed in with the Bow's?
  4. No rain please.....a few more days of warm weather and the tribs with be to dirty. I am hoping for a slow steady thaw.
  5. Sounds like a fun morning. Gotta love pulling into an empty parking lot. Peace.
  6. Nice report......Get out there while you still can cause once this snow starts to thaw then it will be blown for weeks.
  7. Hit this chunk of steel the other day on a Pink Riverworm.I have found that the small to mid size fish tend to fight better than the larger hogs. This steelie diden't make any long runs but rather just dogged it in the pool. Could hardly budge it though as it Felt like fighting a large cinder block. Peace.
  8. Hit the water after the roe guy's left yesterday and did quite well on articials.This fresh steelie, amongst others, hit a peach Bunny jig. Although roe is a productive bait, I have come to find it isen't the be all and end all presentaion but then again no bait is. Try some artificials next time out....you may find yourself leaving the roe behind more often. If you are heading streamside this weekend, remember, saftey first. Peace.
  9. Great Going and congrats Little C. Hey largemouth.....Without getting to personal - Scott uses caps due to a visual impairment he suffered a nuber of yrs ago, so as they say, do not jump to conclusions. Peace.
  10. I wondered if it was worth breaking a path in the knee deep snow earlier this week (someone had to do it!!!) I got my answer soon enough. P.S. don't look for my foot prints today cause the path is gone again. Can you say Global Storming. Have fun digging out of this one.
  11. Here's another that hit a white Riverwood bunny jig. Steelies seemed to be sitting in the runs and tailouts during the stained flow. This is a good indication that fish are on the move. This cold snap will slow them down so here's to the next thaw.
  12. Gotta love a decent January Thaw. The best part about them is that fishing can be fast and furious or fish can be spread out. I like the sporatic action in which case you have to walk a river hole to hole or run to run to find chrome. I find this steelheading scanario more challenging hence more rewarding.It also keeps the crowds down a bit. Didn't use a single roe bag as steelies seemed to hunt down Bunny jigs in the stained flows. Saturday's Outing was also challenging as the temps took a nosedive. Edge ice and chrome was the order of the day for those who dared to brave the wind and cold. Glad to get out while I could.
  13. Douger I remember fishing the Boyne River at age 3 with my Grandfather. I still have the picture of my first fish. Now at age 42 I have been chasing steelhead ever since. I will let you in on a little steelie secrete......That adrenaline rush you mentioned whenever you "get a hit" will never fade, at least it hasn't for me anyway and it probably never will. Here is another little secrete, be sure to take your children fishing. I take my God girls with me whenever I can and can honestly say it is a real pleasure watching them learn and Grow. All the best.
  14. Sounds like you guy's had a quality fun filled day of chrome.
  15. Never used a single roe bag yesterday. Steelies dinning on jigs the whole day through. Below, just on of many to clamp down on a Riverwood jig. Glad to see eveyone got out for some fun.
  16. Steelies were quite selective today. A Riverwood jig(as usual) made the difference. Good luck on the opener.
  17. Thanks Boy's Marabou and Rabbit steelhead jigs will often out-perform roe presentations , infact I use them for 95 % of all my steelie fishing. I have used a wide range of colours and colour combo's with great success. I love trying colours which most others seem to ignore. One of those colours is brown and orange amongst many others. What I love most about jigs (other than how productive they are) is that I found a "roe alternative"which means all my steelies live to spawn another day. Don't get me wrong..... nothing wrong with keeping a fish now and then if you are so inclined either. As for fishing these day's........the best is yet to come.
  18. Hit this beautiful steelhead a few day's ago on a marabou steelhead jig. No point in taking hens for roe when these puppy's produce so well. Please remember to point a few back upstream this season. Happy 'Heading.
  19. Hit this beautiful steelhead a few day's ago on a marabou steelhead jig. No point in taking hens for roe when these puppy's produce so well. Please remember to point a few back upstream this season. Happy 'Heading.
  20. Turkey's have to be amongst the ugliest birds in the wild. They do however, have the most beautiul feathers I have ever seen. Glad to see them whenever I can.
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