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About silverstreak

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  1. No rushing.....just fishing. Fish hit a single hook spinner(pinched barb) Cheers
  2. Well done Fish Finder
  3. Good stuff MJL . Streams and Creeks are running mighty low and it's only May. Hopefully some heavy summer storms are in the near future.
  4. Still some steelies left however angling pressure has them shunning typical Presentations. Fish below went for a plain Black single hook spinner. If you are left fishing instead of catching then my advice is to Switch it up. Cheers
  5. Cool catch and pic's
  6. Cool catch. Hope you changed your shirt since then
  7. Red Fisher Lives !!!!!! Nice Poem MJL. Congrats on the big Brownie. Cheers.
  8. A little fun on the float rod. Fish hit an olive Jig. Cheers
  9. Thanks for all the kind words Fella's. Streams are running very low and clear so if you are heading out MJL and others best keep a low profile. As for the Single hook spinners Barefoot, I absolutley love them especially for Steelhead.Hooking and Landiding ratio I find to be close to 100 percent. Great thing about the Single hooks is that they do far less damage to fish not to mention they hang up far less then traditonal trebles. Fish above hit a Riverwood Spinner found in some of the Tackle stores here in Southern Ontario. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend and looking forward to seeing some of your Brookie Pic's next week. Peace.
  10. Not a monster but still a good size Brookie for the streams that I fish. Fish measured in at a whopping 11.5 inches and was one of my largest to date. Fish hit a #1 Copper spinner with a Single Barbless hook. Like all the others he was released to fight another day Cheers.
  11. You would think it would be that easy however I have always lost more fish then landed using this approach. My hooking/landing ratio increased ten fold with the larger single hook design. Cheers.
  12. Riverwood Tackle makes a #1 and 2 spinner with both a single and treble hook design. The # 1's single hook concept was talor made for the single hook regulations that are in place. Check them out at Gagnon's in the East or First Choice/ Natural sports in the West. Please practice Catch and Release whenever possible. Happy fishing.
  13. Overall, I must admit, this has been an awesome Steelie season.Best part was the fishing was great close to home so no need to travel far and wide. Just why the fishing was so great remains to be seen......perhaps the 2 fish limit meant more fish were released or that more and more are using artificials thus decreasing the need for roe. In any event, here is one of a few to ended the /09 steelie season. Fish put the bite on a robust 3 inch light pink un-scented worm. All the best in the New Year. Cheers.
  14. Great Report Victor. Enjoyed the read and the pic's. All the best in the New Year
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