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Everything posted by njm

  1. Being new to the area, how is fishing on the Thames? and where to go!
  2. Would much appreciate it. Thanks Neil
  3. Thank you folks, I'll give the pier a shot(or a line I should say)
  4. Anyone know where I can fish from shore in the North Bay area?
  5. Is that the Sand lake in Plevna? If it is, fishing is not bad. Pickeral and Bass is what i catch up there. it is also connected , via a small stream, to another lake,,,which is also good. Neil
  6. Dependin on exact dates and cost,,,I'm a go. Neil ps: mayby I'll drag Bernie out there too
  7. I'm up in Northbay area, but I'd like to join you guys,,,depending on where you go.
  8. Tks Kirk
  9. Thanks, I'll check with them
  10. Anyone know about when,,,and especially where???
  11. I think I'll sign this bird up for our team,,,
  12. Ther is NO bad beer,,,some are just better than others
  13. Has anybody been there? If so, what's it like? any tips on where to go fishing? etc Neil
  14. or if I'm too late???
  15. njm


    or am I too late???
  16. from what I understand, they start in the south and move north. they just finished running in Magnetawan, haven't started in Sundridge or South river,,,so should awile b4 they get up there.
  17. njm

    Wassi Lake

    Sorry Deb, just moved here less than a year ago and that is one lake I have not tried. However, from some of the people that I have met, it's not bad. Not the best around, but there are good sized pickerel
  18. njm

    Wassi Lake

    Well first,,,change the spelling. It's Wasi. And yes the fishing isn't bad there. There are also lots of surrounding lakes if nothing is happening there.
  19. Coming back to Northern Ontario after a very long absence,,,do you know where to go smelt fishing off of Nipissing?
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