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About nel

  • Birthday 10/05/1979

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  1. Needs 12 volts. Look for 12 volt 7a batteries, they will last for days. About $25 each. You can get them from bass pro or electronic stores... to recharge them, get a cheap $10 charger from Canadian tire.
  2. Funny...I have a similar problem with my lund (2008 rebel ss 1625) since I got it. My fuel gauge is always pointing at full until the tank is near empty, then the gauge bounces up and down. I thought that is just how it works...lol. Here's my fix: if the fuel gauge is moving, then that means it's time to fill up. Thank you for making me realize that there might actually be something wrong with my boat.
  3. D.T. POWERSPORTS 8160 LAKERIDGE ROAD RR3 UXBRIDGE, ON L9P1R3 Phone: (905) 852-3932 I had them do work on my boat 2 weeks ago. About 45 minutes away from toronto...they said they're busy and could take 2 weeks before they get to my boat, but I only waited 3 days...
  4. do you need proof of ownership of the boat (purchase invoice, or some other proof)? or does the registration take care of this?
  5. Thanks for all the advice. I'll fight it, as Big Cliff suggests. Sorry, but I'm not going to mention the marina's name. I'm not out to screw them (even though they're doing that to me...). I just want to fish.
  6. I aready got the boat, paid the money, and then got another bill for $1000... I put a complaint to the bbb, but they closed the case as "disputed" after the marina ignored replying to them. I was planning to ignore the invoice, but then they sent me another bill this month, with 2% interest (an extra $200) and they said they'll keep charging 2% every month. I spoke to the manager of the marina, this whole billing me and charging me interest is his idea, and he says he plans to take me to small claims court to get the money. I'm thinking I need to take him to small claims first, before this whole interest thing blows up...
  7. The boat's already been picked up and paid for. I got the bill for $1000 3 months later. When I negotiated for the boat, the top was included in the price, that's why the cost of the top wasn't in the total optional equipment price. I'll contact lund and see what they suggest. I'll also try to find that consumer support line. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  8. I bought a boat. A 2008 lund 1625 rebel sport. I negotiated for $16000 with a 75hp optimax and complete top. And then I added a $300 onboard charger. So the contract looks a bit like this: boat+motor+trailer: $16000 Optional equipment: complete top: $1000 charger: $300 Total optional equipement price: $300 Now the marina is billing me $1000 for the complete top, because the $1000 wasn't listed in the price of the total optional equipement. Basically they're double billing me. Any advice? Since the complete top is on the contract, do you people think the courts would side in my favour? Or would it side on the favour of the marina, because the total optional equipment price only says $300 for the charger?
  9. I think you need to mount the rod holders onto the brackets, and then the brackets go into the rail system. http://www.hennepinmarine.biz/lund-sporttr...et--angled.html http://www.hennepinmarine.biz/lund-sporttr...cket--flat.html
  10. do what I did...get all 3.
  11. I made a few calls earlier this year for a wet slip in the kawartha lakes (pigeon, chemong, buckhorn area). Prices I got was between $500 to $1200 for the season. Average price was $900. Called about a month ago, and a lot of places were full. Hope that helps.
  12. I use a small led flashlight. It's called a tac torch, and it has a red LED. I've been told that red light isn't as blinding as white, and it let's you recover your night vision faster...never really timed it out myself, but red was easier on the eyes...
  13. hard to introduce new people to fishing when most lakes are froze in feb...
  14. I find panfishing with microtubes is a lot easier than using live bait... With live bait, you waste time baiting the hook, but with a microtube, it stays on forever and you keep catching fish.
  15. I guess it's time to take it into a shop. Thanks for the advice.
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