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Posts posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. A lady friend of our family is active in NRA and I'm positive she carries where ever it's legal. I couldn't figure out where the gun was concealed so I hugged her at every opportunity. Never felt steel, but got a lot of hugs.


    She and her husband are also hellacious Lake Erie sm fishermen.

  2. JohnF, admitting to having a friends from Louisville & Sevierville might cause you to become an outcast on this site.


    gbfisher, I appreciate your thinking, but a dead head of a household can't protect his family. There are major obligations in life. Where I spend most of my time in Canada I sure as hell wouldn't attempt a breakin at anyone's home. Those people know how to defend themselves and how to protect their family members from intruders.

  3. More guns and more crime with guns in the U.S. than in Canada. Heavily populated areas are magnets for bad guys with guns. State of Wyoming has a high rate of gun ownership, but hardly any crime or murder by gun.


    I'm in a county of around 60,000 and my city is around 28,000, but crime is significant because of a west coast infiltration of drug manufacturing. No New York City, Chicago or Toronto for me.


    3.5% of Putnam County residents have a concealed carry permit. Many time the reason is for transporting guns, not carrying them on their person. Training and background checks are required. In Dawg's state a citizen goes to the sherrif's office and walks out with a concealed carry permit within minutes. No background check. I'll be corrected if I'm wrong on that one.

  4. I'm going to enter a shameless plug for Pete's combo. I have two, 8 1/2 foot medium/heavy rods with his reels attached and they are performing beautifully. The length is great for casting big baits and I haven't come close to a backlash. My birds have to build their own nests. I've loaned the rod to four others and they'll all four be owners in 2008.


    I've had the combos only two years, for 45 days of fishing, so we'll have to see how they do over time.

  5. Bought two Roth IRA effective March 1, 2007 @ $5000 each


    TG $5000 in Vanguard Emerging Markets Fund worth $7362.17 on October 15, 2007


    Ms TG $5000 in Vanguard Global Equity Fund worth $5910.06 on October 15, 2007


    If I live long enough and the market stays strong I might someday amount to something. Or maybe not. I'm having fun.

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