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Posts posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. September 30, 2005 my friend and I were the only fishermen on a fly-in lake close to Red Lake, Ontario. The camp owner and his pilot were the only others in camp at that time.


    It was our first day in camp and the two of us spent most of the day on the water. We returned around sundown with our legal limits of 15" - 16" walleyes. We were informed by the other two in camp that Donny Maw had entered the camp and went into our cabin without permission from anyone. We had no alcohol in our boat. We each fished with only one rod. We broke no laws and there was no probable cause to justify his entering our cabin. The same CO has entered my cabin without permission on previous trips. I've never been accused by any CO of breaking a law.


    This is only one of many stories.

  2. Nice job Jason. Your report was worth waiting for.


    Left home August 25th? You must be on Ohio time.


    I've been through the trailer and tire problems and had more than my share, but it's been 28 years since I've pulled a boat to Ontario.

  3. Thread was started to show that major violators are being punished and to inform members not to become careless as my friend did by not measuring a close fish. The two fish that were over 18.1" seemed small compared to other walleyes being caught that day. Don't guess. A few members found out about the tail pinch technique used in measuring fish.


    Remember there was no intent by my friend to gain an advantage and he has no complaints about the $180 lesson. He'll be heading back up north with me in about five weeks. We'll be eating 15" walleyes and releasing huge pike. Lots of huge pike. Donny may visit us during our stay and he'll be welcome in our cabin for a walleye dinner.


    Another CO may have looked at the fish and not measured them, but this time they were measured and two were over.


    1/4" isn't much. Certainly not enough to do me any good where I need it the most.







    I still wouldn't be able to dunk a basketball.

  4. I know how to remedy your problem beginning the morning of September 29. Bring fresh, powerful line and hold on tight.


    Your girlfriend has probably added about 4 pounds or so by now.


    Bring your sauce.


    One lake. Only two boats.

  5. Muskymatt, thanks for your post, but I must have failed in my attempt to communicate what took place. Your comment on "my bud" is about 180 degrees from what I was trying to bring to the board. He was not trying to save a buck. His spouse didn't have a license because she wasn't going to fish. She eats walleyes, but won't sting one. She just wanted to be with her husband on the water. Anyway, all the fish were his and he wouldn't have caught fish for another's license. His only mistake was that he didn't measure the fish. The fish were so close to 18.1" that some fishermen may have judged them to be under 18.1 inches. His perspective of an 18.1" fish was stretched by catching and viewing several 20" to 26". It was a good tail pinch that put the two over. Again, we have no complaints.


    The purpose of my post was to inform others of what may happen when they're checked. Hopefully someone can profit from the thread.


    It was intended to be a positive post.

  6. My friend and I have spent many weeks together in a cabin and have shared the same boat several weeks while fishing in Ontario. He has never come close to breaking any fishing or boating law during our 15 years on the water. Not until two weeks ago on Nungesser Lake. He had an Ontario seasonal license that allowed one walleye over 18.1 inches. With him in his boat was his wife with her library card and book. She was not fishing. He boated and released several walleyes between 20" & 26" and decided to put four smaller fish in the live well for dinner without measuring them. Along came a single person in a boat. When he got close off came his jacket, exposing a fully uniformed Donny Maw. Sort of a Clark Kent to Superman change. The two largest walleyes fit easily into Donny's 18.1 inch measuring device, until a really tight tail pinch put each about 1/4" over the magic 18.1" mark. One fish was free, the second cost $180 and Donny kept the illegal fish. Donny was professional and there's no complaint from us. My guy was wrong and he'll pay the fine. He won't rant. He won't boycott fishing camps and he'll return to NW Ontario with me next month.


    On our way off the lake at the end of our stay we met a party from another camp who were caught with 31 walleyes over and they were hit hard. The lost half of their equipment and will not be allowed to enter Ontario for 3-5 years except for their court appearance. Their fine will be in the neighborhood of $15,000. I can't understand why they'd want 31 extra fish.


    We've gotta be careful.

  7. Gomba, the lake has more to offer than I took. Next time. The water level was good when we arrived, fell a bit during the week and we had a mother of a rain when we left last Saturday morning. It should be in great shape for your week.


    Temps are down this week and fishing is good from what I hear. It's been a bit windy.

  8. Bryon, it's 32 miles on the Nungesser Road. All but about the last 6 miles are paved and the dirt road isn't bad. PM me your e-mail address and I'll come up with directions and a photo or two of the ramp you'll use.


    According to that Marc Thorpe guy and TennesseeGuy you picked a lame week of moons for your trip. There's a new moon the week before and a full moon the week after your trip. Remedy that by staying three weeks.

  9. Smokey, how timely of you to ask about a fall trip. Two hours ago I put together a group of four for a September 29 flyin to Little Vermilion. Permission notes are signed by wives and we're set to go.


    Dustin, Hayden is property of Angler's Kingdom. He wears his life jacket and helmet for driving his personal 4wheeler all day, every day.


    Camp Chef, I've found that most camp owners won't offer fishing advice unless they're asked. Many have offered in the past and been shot down by guests who turn away from advice and want to do their own thing. I suggest asking to have a map marked for some close, easy to fish, spots. Kevin will probably be willing to have 2 or 3 boats of first timers follow him to some good fishing. It's a good way to find out where the rocks are. After a couple of days have Kevin take you on a longer trip to the other end of the lake to the really great spots. Plan on a shore lunch with several boats of other camp members. Camp owners want guests to have success on their lake and most are willing to go all out to make your stay a good one.


    I was given a great tour of the lake and was given lots of fishing information for future trips. It was a learning experience and I had lots to learn about a body of water that was new to me. Maybe I'll be better next time.

  10. August 3 we arrived at the pickup for a visit at Angler's Kingdom. Hayden Geary turned 5 years old yesterday, August 16.

    Here's a shot of the bridge that spans Nungesser River



    In 1976 my two sons and I fished this spot from shore and it produced several walleyes



    Our cargo rode this baby across the portage



    My wife and I got to camp late Friday afternoon, enjoyed a delicious meal in the camp dining room and Hayden

    offered to take me out for some walleye catching. Even though we were stuffed from a huge meal, Hayden decided

    to take along a bag of snacks for our outing. Hayden untied the boat from the dock and got us underway



    Heading away from the dock



    Hayden instructed me to move to the front of the boat so we could make it through the cut which was about 15" deep.

    He got us through by putting the power trim to good use.



    We found the hump and we're marking fish



    Heading back to camp after boating a few walleyes and a couple of small pike. It was a good start to a fine trip.



    Hayden working a pike. Kevin's hat was a gift from a piano player at a house of ill repute in Toronto



    She's about ready. Get the net



    A proud 4 year old angler and his catch



    Our gang, from left: TG, Ms TG, Kyle (Norton on board) Denise, Marie and Larry. Kyle lives in Norton, Ohio and

    Larry lives in Geneva Illinois. Somehow the guys have managed to fish at least one week together each season

    beginning around 1992. This was the first trip for the ladies to join us and they were a joy to have in camp. They

    are eager to return to AK.



    When putting the trip together I suggested that the guys would do the bulk of the kitchen chores and here are Norton

    & TG keeping my promise.



    Heading out on last day after spending 8 nights in camp. Donavon is hauling our gear to the landing



    Near Rend Lake, Illinois on the way home we passed this weight lifting camp for bad boys.



    We had a great stay and were treated like royalty by camp personnel. Super high temperatures the week or so

    before we arrived had put fish down and off the bite, but we had no trouble finding enough walleyes to eat and

    we boated several between 20 & 26 inches. Our biggest pike was a 42 incher. We just didn't quite get into the

    numbers and size that we had hoped for. The lake is a beauty and holds lots of huge walleyes and huge pike.

    We marked them in a number of spots. Nungesser is a deeper lake than I usually fish and it's apparent that I

    have lots to learn about fishing deep water. I'll be giving myself the opportunity to improve.


    Thanks for a great week. Hayden, have a great year five.


    Norma and I had planned to spend a second week in camp, but our special young friend, his sister and his dad were not able to join us due to medical issues. We'll be trying again, if not this season, we'll do it in 2008.

  11. ..........by not lighting up the 73 candles on a birthday cake for me. If I'd had a cake and if the cake had candles.


    Due to my age and some medication I'm taking, my urologist gave me a year's supply of viagra last week. I'm going to use half of them and see if Roy wants the other two pills.


    Actually being 73 is much better than that.

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