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Everything posted by RDR

  1. One more....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEeqRcQcaqc
  2. Looks like the "Sawdust and Suicide" show on the Manistee Beauty river and great fish boys! Nice pics and thanks for rubbing it in..... LOL Welcome back Dave! Looking forward to seeing your next adventure....
  3. The process of purchasing the Mag was fairly straight forward even for a Pre-Cambrian like moi Hard work and long hours seem to go hand in hand with you Mike! NGTBSUYA but the amount of good will you have shown potential clients for outfitters alone is astounding. Your experience regarding said and the fact that you are able to share, is invaluable. I know travelling to far off destinations is not every ones cup. But your reads, pictorials and videos of camps that you have visited, are at the very least entertaining, if not extremely informative. Now your network will expand with the Magazine...........The staff of writers that have been assembled are very capable of delivering good quality stories in the way you have envisioned! Impressive photography BTW! Bravo!
  4. I've always enjoyed your online reports Mike. I wouldn't change a thing regarding that, unless your day needs to be 48 hours instead of 24 lol FWIW the first edition looks great and it is very well done IMHO! I hope it continues to grow and you reach what you are striving for! I know it's your passion!
  5. Looks to me that reel has a line guard. Best to remove it if possible, unless you plan on only using a "BC style" swing cast.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNAUHV1qAk8 Thanks Mooch! No amount of backing will help if you Side or Pull cast with a line guard reel! Mono backing is fine, as long as it is put on carefully. To much pressure can and will deform some spools depending on quality of manufacture of the reel. 150 yards of mainline on top of your backing should be sufficient for any situation Then it is reasonable to change out your mainline a couple of times a season if you fish a lot Beat me to it Ralph...LOL Here comes Dave's response....LMAO
  6. Big props to Steve for continuing to let us enjoy the music live! An unassuming and original guy with a "Cheshire Cat" smile surrounded by extra-ordinary musicians! Makes for a great show....Especially at when it's at the Oakville Center Here's one from the Royal Albert that would've given me "Head Creeps" LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz0ijYeQmGA
  7. Great report! I'm liking their Copper Pot straight from the freezer to the glass. I'm a Gibby's fan normally and it's made in Oakville I believe...
  8. Caught these guys down at Molson a couple of years ago. Mellow except for John Herringtons guitar bits
  9. Soundtrack to my Sunday afternoon spawntying extravaganza Bit of chat at the beginning but well worth it. Thanks to Hooky and the Light for keeping Ian's words and the groups music alive for us to enjoy!
  10. Congrats Mike! I know you have worked hard for this and I wish you much success. Great concept and a perfect fit It's going to be "Epic"
  11. Coming to Buffalo with Joann Shaw Taylor
  12. Great recap Mike! Almost as good as being there........LOL Thanks for taking the time, as always, to put the report together. It was a fantastic week, highlighted by a great outfitter and crew, on an outstanding body of water! Thanks guys, I had a blast! And to "Brother Brock". I have trimmed the stash to a "Burt Reynolds Deliverence" look. "Squeal like a pig boy" Weeeeeeeee.........Weeeeeeeee......... Looking forward to your Mojikit report
  13. I'm glad the "Ordinary Average Guy" pulled this one out last night
  14. Some Jerry for your brain ..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irWUaqV4I9U
  15. Another great show by Hugh He always has time for his fans after the show On a very sad note, Chris Squire the bassist for Yes passed today................ Saw them play many times and the man was a "Giant"
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